Chapter 59

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Kehlani POV
After I was finished getting dressed in the bathroom which I really didn't do anything I just took a shower and washed my hair and put it in a messy bun because I was going to go home and go back to sleep because I needed to relax. There was so much going on. I finished everything in the bathroom and gather my things that me and Trey left in the bathroom last night and took it outside and sat it on the bed. Trey loved my natural look he didn't like me wearing makeup at all because he said I didn't need it. Which was right, I didn't but I wanted to wear it because it makes me look pretty. It makes me feel good about myself especially because I'm pregnant right now and I didn't feel pretty at the moment. Trey always makes me feel loved and good about myself which I didn't have before. That's the reason I started wearing makeup because my ex didn't make me feel good about myself he made me feel worthless so I started wearing makeup and every since I've been wearing it. But I'm definitely going to stop because it's breaking my skin out. Me and Trey talked a little more before the nurse and the doctor came in with papers.

"Goodmorning" The doctor said
"Goodmorning " I said
"How you feeling?" The doctor asked
"I'm feeling good. Just hungry " I said
"Well go home and eat some breakfast. I'm glad you're feeling well. I'm just going to go over some things while you're filling papers out" The doctor said
"Okay" I said taking the papers from the nurse
"So you really need to be are non stressful things because you stressing can also cause you to faint and could possibly cause you to lose the baby. And we don't want that happening because you're so close to the end of your pregnancy. You're 6 months so you need plenty of rest and plenty of fluids " The doctor said
"Okay. So I'm on bed rest?" I asked
"No. But you do need as much rest as you can get" The doctor said
"Okay I understand " I said
"Whenever you finish filling out your paperwork you're free to leave" The doctor said
"Okay, thank you" I said

After the doctor left I finished filling out the rest of the paperwork like I was told. After I was finished me and Trey made sure we had everything in the bag and made sure we didn't leave anything behind. After we double checked for the last time we were ready to head out.

"You ready?" Trey asked
"Yeah" I said

We walked out the room and said goodbye to the nurses. Hopefully I wouldn't see them again until I actually give birth. We headed to the nearest elevators got in and waited until we reached out floor. A couple seconds went by and we reached the first floor.

"I'll go get the car, it's too cold for you to be walking out here. Wait here" Trey said
"Okay" I said

While Trey went and got the car I got a call from Kierra.

*Active Call With Kierra*
"Hello?" I said
"Hey, y'all made it out yet?" Kierra asked
"Yeah I'm waiting for Trey to bring the car" I said
"How you feeling?" Kierra asked
"I feel better. Hopefully I won't be back here until birth I said
"Right." Kierra said
"I'll see you when I get home. Treys pulling up" I said
"Okay" Kierra said
*End of call*

Trey pulled up with the car. He got out and put my bags in the car. While he was doing that I decided to get in the car because he was right. It was freezing outside. Trey finished up with the bags and got in the car.

"Bae my mama called and said they cooked breakfast so we just going to head home instead of getting food" Trey said
"Okay" I said
"You good?" Trey said pulling off
"No, but I will be " I said
"What's wrong talk to me" Trey said
"I'm worried" I said
"Worried about?" Trey asked
"My pregnancy " I said
"Why you worried about your pregnancy?" Trey said
"I don't know. I just pray it's safe and my baby comes out healthy. Especially after i fainted I'm scared " I said
"Baby you just needed more fluids it's not bad. You good now and the doctor said you and the baby both healthy so stop stressing " Trey said
"I know. It's just I'm scared bae" I said
"I know. But my girls good and healthy" Trey said putting his hand on my stomach
"Maybe I just need to eat and sleep this off" I said
"Probably baby" Trey said

After I said that I dozed off in a deep sleep.

Trey POV
It took us about 15 mins to get home. I looked over at Kehlani she was knocked out. I knew she was tired because she really couldn't get comfortable in the hospital bed. We finally arrived at my parents house. I parked the car behind Kierra's car.

"Baby" I said

No answer.

  "Mama" I said again
"Mm" Kehlani said
"We home baby" I said

Kehlani woke up and looked around stretched a little bit and got out the car.

"I got the bags here's the keys you go in it's cold out here" I said
"Okay" Kehlani said

Kehlani went inside and I got the bags out the car. We didn't have but two bags. I got the bags shut the door locked it and went inside. As soon as I walked in I smelled a home cooked breakfast. I smiled.

"Yall made it back" My pops said
"Yea we back. " I said sitting the bags down at the bottom of the steps
"What the doctor said about my daughter and granddaughter?" My pops asked
"She on bed rest. They told her to take it easy because she so close to the end of her pregnancy " I said
"Yeah she gotta rest up. You the man and you about to be a father you handle some stuff so she won't stress herself out." My pops said
"Yeah I am pops. I ain't gone let Kehlani do a lot" I said
"Good." My pops said
"Where everybody else at?"
"Kierra and Qua sleep. Your brother sleep Kehlani's sister sleep Jada up in the kitchen. Seven sleep and Legend sleep also. Everybody else either in the kitchen or bedroom" My pops said
"Alright ima go speak" I said
"Ight son" my pops said

Kehlani and Trey back at the house!!

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