Chapter 103

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Trey POV

I was scared as hell man. We were stuck in traffic and my daughter was gone have to be born in a car. I just prayed my daughter have a safe delivery man.

"PUSH" Legend said

Kehlani pushed as hard as she could and I seen the baby head. I was about to be sick as fuck. If only y'all knew what the fuck I just seen.

"PUSH! Last time" Legend said

Kehlani pushed for the last time until i heard crying.

"FINALLY MAN" Qua said moving the car
"How is she man?" I asked
"She's good. I need something to cut the cord with" Legend said
"Here" I said giving him a knife

Legend cut the cord and wrapped my daughter up in a towel and gave her to Kehlani.

"She looks like you babe" I said
"She does" Kehlani said smiling
"We here" Qua said jumping out the car
"Here let me hold her so they can help you out" Seven said
"Okay" Kehlani said giving the baby to Kehlani

A bunch nurses and doctors came with a week chair. They helped Kehlani get out the car. I jumped out behind them.

"Sir let us check her and the baby and get her settled and you're allowed back there" The nurse said
"Alright thank you" I said

"Thank you man. If you wasn't in that my daughter could've died because none of us knew how to deliver a baby. I owe you" I said
"Man we brothers for life. You don't owe me nothing" Legend said
"I appreciated you man" I said
"No problem" Legend said
"Is my niece okay?" Avianna asked me
"I got here as fast as I could" Aliyah said
"Where's Kehlani?" Kierra asked
"The baby?" Jada asked
"Chill, yall calm down. The baby and Kehlani are just fine. " I said
"Did she have the baby though?" Kierra asked
"Yes she did. Legend delivered her" I said
"Awwww" Kierra and Jada said together
"Omg fr" Avianna said
"Yea" I said
"Yesssir I'm an uncle " Zay said
"I have a cousin!" Royalty said
"Yay!!" Camilla said
"Ight Ight. Somebody help me get the bags out the car so when they call us I can bring the bags up " I said
"I got u" Jay said

Jay, Legend and Qua helped me get my bag and Kehlani bag out the car. Jay got the baby bag. Everybody else was inside warming up and calming down from the scare Kehlani and the baby. I walked back into the hospital while Qua parked the car. I sat down rubbing my hands across my head.

"Family of Kehlani?" The doctor asked
"Yea?" I said walking up to him
"The baby and Kehlani are fine. Good thing y'all delivered her in the car or the baby wouldn't have made it" The doctor said
"Oh thank god!" Kierra said
"Can I go see my girl and child?" I asked
"Yes, yall go right ahead in" The doctor said

I followed the doctor down the hall to the room Kehlani was in. The doctor knocked on the door and I walked in to Kehlani holding our daughter and smiling.

"Hey baby" Kehlani said smiling
"Hey" I said walking slowly
"Say hi daddy" Kehlani said smiling
"Man this your twin" I said smiling
"I know! I said the same thing" Kehlani said
"Born 3 days early and you good and healthy " I said
"You hold her baby. " Kehlani said
"Okay" I said

When Kehlani gave me my daughter. My heart got soft and my eyes watered a little. I can't believe that my daughter was here. I put my finger in between her little fingers. She grabbed on to my fingers tightly and made my heart melt even more. As I was bonding with my daughter. Qua, Kierra, Jay , Jada , Aliyah , Camilla , Royalty, And Zay all walked in the room.

"Congratulations!" Aliyah said walking over hugging Kehlani
"Thank you!!" Kehlani said hugging aaliyah
"Congratulations sissy" Avianna said
"Thank you love!" Kehlani said
"Congratulations sis"Qua said
"Congratulations!" Jay said
"Congratulations sis" Legend said
"Legend thank you so much! I appreciate you more than ever. " Kehlani said
"Yeah me too" I said kissing my daughters hand
"Awww look at her little hand" Kierra said
"You welcome. It's all out of love" Legend said
"No really. Since you did this. I don't who Trey said The Godfather was but I choose you" Kehlani said
"I haven't choose nobody yet. But I choose you too" I said
"For real?" Legend asked
"Yeah man, I mean you delivered my kid. Ain't nobody ever did anything like this for me. I appreciate you a lot" I said
"Man I appreciate that" Legend said dapping me up
"All love" I said
"Now for the god mamas. I choose Kierra and Jada because those have been my bestfriends since for ever. But Aliyah and Seven are aunties of my baby. I love them just as much as I love my bestfriends" Kehlani said
"Yeah same with Jay and Qua" I said
"Appreciate that" Qua said
"Thanks man" Jay said
"So what's her name?" Kierra asked
Well- hold on my mama is calling" Kehlani said accepting the call
"Ima wait until our parents listening" I said
"Mom , dad. We are about to tell y'all the name of your granddaughter " Kehlani said
"Oh okay" My mom said
"The name of the baby is ....... True Amor Williams " Me and Kehlani said together
"Awwwwww" Our parents said
"That's the cutest name ever" Kierra said
"For real" Jada said
"She's precious " Aliyah said
"Thank y'all so much. And thank y'all for being the best friends anyone could ever ask for" Kehlani said
"And you." I said
"I waited to say this until this day because I knew this would be the special moment I wanted" I said

I grabbed the engagement ring out of my pocket and got on one knee.

"Kehlani Johnson, will you make me the happiest man and the world and marry me?" I asked
"Awwww" Kierra said
"I didn't know nothing about this " Qua said holding his hands up
"Yes" Kehlani said smiling
"For real?" I asked taking the ring out
"Yes!" Kehlani said laughing
"Good!" I said placing the ring on her finger

All along I was searching in all the wrong places for love. I was searching the wrong person for love. I thank god everyday for sending me my wish. I got my Fiancé and my daughter. My life was complete.

The end!

Well that's the end!
Yes it will be a part 3 but later on in the future!
Kehlani had her baby and was now engaged!

 ********  Well that's the end!  Yes it will be a part 3 but later on in the future!  Kehlani had her baby and was now engaged!  Comment  Vote💕

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Go check out my other book! Chapter 1 and 2 are out right now! 💕

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