Chapter 68

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Seven POV
I was sound asleep when I heard moving and screaming. I opened my eyes slowly sat up and looked around. I looked at Legend who was pacing back and forth.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked
"Jay was shot" Legend said
"Omg baby. We need to go to the hospital " I said sitting up
"I'm waiting on Trey to hit me back up" Legend said sitting down
"I'm sorry baby" I said
"Man I should've went. I should've been there" Legend said
"Baby you had to stay with us" I said
"I know man.. I just feel like they needed me" Legend said
"I know. But don't blame yourself. It isn't anyone's fault " I said

Legends phone rung as he picked it up quickly. He talked for about 15 seconds and hung up.

"I gotta get the girls" Legend said running in the room down the hall

I slowly got up and put my shoes on as best as I could. I grabbed a jacket and my phone and charger. As I was grabbing those things I heard a thump hit the floor. I heard everybody screaming and saying call 911. I ran back to the room and saw Jada laying on the floor. She must have fainted when Legend told the news.

"We're going to need help carrying her"
"Just tap her awake. She fainted. " I said

Everybody gently shook Jada. She finally woke up after 5 mins of shaking her.

"Come here. I know I know" I said to Jada
"We gotta get on a move" Legend said
"Everybody riding in one car?" Aliyah asked
"Yeah because we don't know if everyone is dead yet" Legend said

Everyone grabbed phones, chargers and coats and headed out the door. Everybody jumped in the truck. Me in front, Aliyah, Jada and Kehlani and the kids at back. The kids were too tired to know what was going on.  Mrs Williams and Mrs Johnson drove their cars. We drove for what seemed like forever until we finally reached the hospital. Jada was the first to jump out the car  and ran in. Me, Kehlani and Aliyah followed behind.

"I'm Jay's girlfriend where is he?" Jada asked
"Jay? Jay's last name please?" The lady asked
"He's probably under Williams so Williams " Kehlani said
"Mmmmm... ah! Yes. He's in surgery right now if you can sit in the waiting room and the doctor will be with you as soon as possible " The lady said
"How long?"Jada asked
"Soon hunny" The nurse said
"Kehlani!" Trey shouted
"Baby! Are you okay?" Kehlani said running to Trey
"I'm good I'm good. " Trey said hugging us all
"Where's Qua?" Kierra asked
"In the waiting room. Where Legend?" Trey asked
"I'm here. " Legend said walking in
"Everything ran straight back at the house?" Legend asked
"Yea everything good bro" Legend said
"Thank you man" Trey said
"The others over here" Trey said

We followed Trey to waiting room where the others are. We all hugged each and asked each other were we okay. We seen this one man that looked very unfamiliar.

"Who's this?" I asked
"This Zay" Mr Williams said
"And he is to us...? " Kehlani asked
"We brought him back. He worked for Rico so we brought him with us. He isn't a killer" Mr Williams said
"And how do we know that?" Jada asked in tears
"He isn't " Mr Johnson said
"The question we all should be asking is if Rico's dead?" I asked

There was silence. All of us were waiting for the exact same answer.

"Chuco's dead" Trey said
"Thank god" Kehlani said
"Trey shot him 17 times in the head so he's definitely dead" Mr Williams said chuckling
"He shot Jay man" Trey said
"Where was Jay shot?" Jada asked
"His stomach and leg" Mr Johnson said
"Omg" Jada said standing up

I walked over to Jada to rub her back. I had to keep her calm so she wouldn't stress the baby.

"We got him here as fast as we could" Trey said
"Have y'all heard from the doctor?" Kehlani asked
"Not since we got here" Trey said
"This is a lot to take in together " Kierra said
"It is. And I'm sorry" Aliyah said
"Why are you sorry? " I asked
"I feel like I started all of this" Aliyah said
"You didn't start anything, if you didn't say anything something could've happened " Trey said
"Yeah" I said
"I guess" Aliyah said
"Mommy I'm hungry " Camilla said waking up
"Where's a vending machine?" Aliyah asked
"I think it's right around the corner on the right" Qua said
"Thank you " Aliyah said getting up with Camilla
"I don't know what I'm going to do without Jay. I can't have this baby without him being here" Jada said
"I know I know" I said rubbing her back

This is going to be a long night.

Legends POV
We were all sitting in the waiting room waiting on the doctor to tell us if Jay is good. Kehlani was next to Trey half way sleep, Kierra and Qua were together with Royalty and Seven and Jada were together. I needed some fresh air or something. I got up and headed outside the hospital for a second by myself. I pulled out a blunt lit it and started smoking. I was smoking for about 5 mins until I heard the door open.

"Babe you okay?" Seven asked
"Yeah I'm good bae" I said still smoking
"You sure? You know you can tell me what's bothering you" Seven said

I didn't really like venting to a female but this was my girlfriend and I knew she would support me no matter what I said.

"We need change" I said still smoking
"What do you mean change?" Seven asked
  "I wanna move out the state" I said
"Move where? What about the baby being born where there's family? What about our friends?" Seven asked
"Babe, I love the fuck out of our friends, I do. But I'm thinking about you and my kid safety and happiness right now. We not moving far. Just away from all this bullshit" I said
"I- I don't know what to say.. I do want my baby safe. But I will miss our friends" Seven said
"And they will be there when we give birth they will still be in our life's. We aren't cutting them off. I just don't want my son growing up in all this. I don't want to do this gang shit anymore." I said
"I understand baby. Come here you need a hug" Seven said
"I love y'all both. I just want what's best" I said
"Then we're doing what's best" Seven said

    "Hey yall , the doctor is out and ready to tell us the results" Aliyah said
"Okay" i said
"Come on" Seven said holding my hand

I got a down as female that I ain't trying to lose. I really hope my brother straight though.

Seven and Legend planning on leaving the sate?
Y'all think Jay alive?
How y'all feel about Chuco dying?

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