Zoe Baker (Part 1): Welcome to the Family

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(Y/N)'s POV

All I could see at this moment is darkness but I can hear voices. It's hard to hear anything as it is muffled. Now that I think about it, what happened to me? I can' really remember...wait...I should be more worried about how I got myself to where I am now. Things start to get a bit better in terms of hearing and sight as I finally slowly open my eyes but it was quite blurry. But I can catch a bit of what I was hearing. It sounded like a man and a woman talking to each other. I guess they don't notice that I am up. The woman's voice started talking. "Maybe I can prepare him stew. It can help reduce his fever." She says. Wait...fever? I don't feel like I have one...maybe talking about something else. Wait, am I in a hospital? Then I hear the male's voice next. "Okay, Marguerite. Maybe you can go ahead and fetch a warm towel for this boy's head." The man says to the woman, now that I know is named Marguerite. After that, I hear some footsteps and the door opening and closing, but not all the way. After hearing what I assume to be her leaving the room I am in, the blurriness slowly went away and I went to sit up so I can get a better look at where I am. As soon as my vision is clear, I see what looks like an old man in what looks a farmer's uniform standing by the door, looking at some the decor, assuming that he is waiting for the lady to come back. And we are both in a nice looking bedroom. This definitely not a hospital so I am pretty worried about why I am in a stranger's house. I start to freak out and breathe pretty heavily, which caught the man's attention. "Ah, I see you are finally awake." He says while he approaches me slowly with a smile. I continue to panic and try to move out of the bed but I couldn't move. It feels like I fell from a high place and landed on my back, causing my whole body to ache really badly and it hurts. He puts his hands up and stop his tracks. "Hey, fella, don't be scared. I carried you here and wanted to help you out. And I really don't think you should move a lot. You got bruises all over you." He points out. I blinked my eyes as I slowly stop freaking out and take a look at myself. I am not in the clothes I was in before and instead wearing pajamas but I can see through the shirt that I got marks on my body. "W-Wha...where are my clothes?" I ask him. "They are in the laundry. Don't worry about that. You really should get your rest." He says softly before taking a seat on a wooden rocking chair close to the bed I am laying on. "Yeah...I should be more worried about why I am here and who you are." I say, getting a little nervous again. "Well, I will start with introductions. I am Jack. And you are in my house. And the reason why you are here is because I found you simply floating down the lake by my boathouse as I was fishing. For a second, I thought I witnessed a murdered body but I saw that you were still alive, just knocked out...so I had to get you out of there and bring you home." He says, explaining everything on why I am here bruising everywhere. Then suddenly it hits me. I remember what happened beforehand. I was out camping with my friends and it was the last day. We were all preparing to leave and everyone pretty much left before me. I was gonna head for my car which was a bit away from the site I was at until I was attacked by a brown bear. It was stupid enough for me to run from a bear but what made me even more stupider was not paying attention to where I was going as I literally just fell from a cliff and I hit water at the bottom, which explains why I got bruises on my body. As I was thinking about it, I hear Jack asking me if I was alright. I look over at him and begin to tell him about what happened which caused me to be in the position I am in right now. Jack listens to me and leans a bit forward on the chair. "I see...I hope you remember your friend's number because I noticed that your phone is all badly damaged." He says. My face suddenly flushes into a pale color, knowing that I have no way of contacting any of my friends...I have a horrible memory when it comes to numbers. "I-I..." I look down at the covers and sigh. "Do not worry about it now, boy. You should recover and think of a plan to get back home." He says softly. I nod and look at him. "T-Thank you, Jack...oh, my name is (Y/N) by the way." I told Jack. He smiles and stands up from his chair. "Well, you should go get some rest, (Y/N)." He says before turning to leave but then he stops again to look at me. "Oh, my wife will come in here soon to give you food. She makes a mean stew and will help your recovery." He says before finally leaving the room, leaving me by myself for a while. I just took that time to just rest my eyes, not like I haven't already for a whole day but I like napping.

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