Helena Harper: I Miss You (Lemon)

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(Y/N)'s POV

It has already been months after my wife, Helena Harper, had returned home from her dangerous job stopping world destruction with some kind of virus and I thought things would be back to normal...well...even though she came back, she never really stayed home if that makes sense. I mean, I really don't mind her working so we can keep the house running but it really hurts that she never thought to take some time off to spend time with me or at least take a break because of how much she worked. Hopefully, today could change this and we can both finally have time together like we could've had from months ago to now. Right now, I have prepared reservations to go to dinner after she gets off and I am currently driving all over the place to pick up things for like flowers, chocolate, and even her favorite tea. I just have one more stop at a local store that sells mainly movies. I park my car up front and went inside the store, looking around to notice that the place has had some major changes. Like, the shelves were actually further away from the entrance and there's an extension of the store where even video games are sold. Knowing myself, I decided that I would pick up a few games that were made for the N64 and PS2 then I finally moved over to the movie section and looked for a movie to buy. "Crap...what was that movie that Helena wanted to watch for some time?" I say to myself quietly as I kept looking, trying to think of the movie that she mentioned a few times. After a while of looking, I find a familiar cover sitting on the shelf. I pick up and see that it is indeed what I am looking for. Helena always wanted to watch Casablanca and I also notice that it is the only copy of it so I got really lucky. Now that I got that out of the way, I went to the cashier and paid for everything I got before heading home to prepare for Helena's return from work. 

(Hours Later)

It has been about a few hours after preparations at home were made. I simply just have the movie put into a present box and set on our bed, I put on a really nice dress shirt and pants for dinner tonight, and finally just wait by the entrance with the flowers and chocolates in hand. It is making me quite nervous because I do not remember the last time I have ever tried surprising Helena with presents. I can already feel myself slightly sweating in anticipation for her return until I finally see the doorknob turn and the door slowly open. After a few days without seeing Helena, I finally get the chance to see her again. Once I see her walk through, I smile and hold the flowers and chocolate behind my back. "Welcome home, honey." I say softly. Helena looks confused to why I am waiting for her at the entrance and gives me a soft smile. "Well, hello (Y/N). I didn't expect to see you here like this. And why are you dressed up so handsomely?" She asked, moving over to the counter in the kitchen to set her bag down on it. I follow her and still smile softly, "No reason at all...just wanted to do something special." I say, revealing the gifts to her. "This is for the most beautiful and hardworking wife in the world." Her face slowly changes to red and give me a shy smile. "Aw, (Y/N)...you shouldn't have." She says to me as she takes them off my hand gently. "These are really beautiful flowers...and are those peanut butter chocolate?" I smile and nod. "They sure are. Your favorite kind." I say before I then pull out my phone to look at the time, seeing that it is almost time for dinner. "And actually, Helena...I also took the time today to reserve a table for two at the restaurant I proposed to you at." I say. She gives a more shocked look and still blush. "Oh my goodness, (Y/N)...you did all this for me?" She asks, seeming like she couldn't believe it. I nod and gently held her hand. "Of course...you deserve a break because you worked so hard...and I really mi-" Before I could finish what I wanted to say, her work phone goes off in her pocket. She moves her hand away to grab her phone and takes a look at it. "Oh no..." She muttered quietly. "What is it, honey?" I ask, feeling concerned. She suddenly grabs her bag and headed for the door. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I have to go back to work. Something requires my presence." Hearing her say that made me feel really sad and frustrated at the same time. "Helena...can it wait? You worked all the time and you never spend any time at home." I say. Helena stops and look at me. "I'm sorry but you don't understand the importance of my work." I sigh softly. "Of course I do. But listen to yourself. You come home to a time where you can relax at home and spend time with your husband, who has been waiting for you to come home because of how much he really missed you...you know what?" I turn around and go to the fridge to grab a microwave dinner. "...just go back to work." I say softly and open the box. I didn't hear anything from Helena for a few seconds before I hear her walk out the door and close it. I look over to see her not around anymore and sigh again, putting the food in the microwave then called the restaurant. I waited for them to answer then I told them that I wanted to quit reservations before hanging up. So tonight, I once again just sit alone at the dining room table eating microwaved food before going to my room, looking at the present that is still sitting on the bed. I grab it and toss it to the door before getting out of my clothes and went to bed, being really sad about the whole thing.

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