Ashley Graham: Date Night (Lemon)

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(Y/N)'s POV

I'm really nervous about tonight. I mean, I have the right to be! I'm about to go on a date with Ashley Graham! You know, the President's daughter? You're probably wondering how someone like me even got a chance to date the daughter. I will try to keep the story short as possible but basically, I am just a young adult attending a public college, working at the local coffee shop, and lives alone in a cheap apartment. Then there's Ashley, the President's daughter, shows up at my workplace with her friends. At that moment, I thought it was really odd that they did not show up with security guards considering the fact that they are well known and rich...but I'll never know why. Anyway, she and her friends came up to me to order and I gladly took them. As soon as I turn away to get their orders, I overheard one of her friends saying how cute I was and Ashley agreed with a giggle. I do try to stay focus on my job but that thing I heard really was getting in my head because someone who is pretty popular thinks someone who isn't popular is attractive...surely, they had to be joking around...but boy, was I wrong when I returned to the front. I handed the girls their orders and they took it and left, except for Ashley. She stayed for a while asking me who I was, what I do besides working at the coffee shop, and even asked me when I get off work. I answered her questions while also questioning what she is trying to do. I had no girl come to me and do things like this. But my answer was clear when she wrote her number on the receipt I gave her and hand it to me, telling me call her after I finish work.

And...that's how it all began. We had been talking for a couple of weeks and we both started getting interested in each other. It was really weird for me because I haven't had a girl become interested in being with me and there is the daughter of the President...someone pinch me. We had been on dates before but it was more like a walk in the park and going to attractions in DC. But I want to do something more than that so I asked her out to dinner and she accepted. I am really hoping I'm not dreaming because this is too good to be true. I mean, can you blame me? I asked her where she wanted to go eat and she responded that she doesn't care, as long as she gets to hang out with me, which is quite a relief because I don't think I would have the money to take her to anything expensive. She then texts me to meet me at the front of the White House whenever I am ready. Of course, I didn't want to keep her waiting so I texted back, telling her that I will be there soon.

I set my phone down on my table in my apartment before I go to the closet to check out some clothes that I could wear on the date. Looking at what I got, I don't have much formal wear except for a dress shirt and pants that I probably haven't worn in years. Figuring that I have no other choice, I take those out to try them on. And to my surprise, after about a minute of putting them on, I still fit in them. I take a look in the mirror in the bathroom and adjust my clothes to make it look nice. Then I start doing my hair to make it clean. I mean, I want to make a good impression on her and show her that I can clean up nicely. After looking at myself and liking how I look, I turn off all the lights to my apartment, grab my phone, then leave.

After about over 20 minutes of walking from my apartment to the White House, I see Ashley waiting at the front gate wearing something I didn't think would be formal but hey, I'm not complaining (Her outfit basically). Ashley looks over at me as I walk to her and smile. "Hello there, (Y/N)." She says, gently moving a bit of her hair behind her ear. "You look really nice." I blush and smile back at her. "T-Thank you, Ashley. Y-You look beautiful." I say softly. Ashley giggles and put her hands behind her back, swaying a bit. "Awww. Why, thank you." She says, smiling more as her cheeks go red. "So, (Y/N) you have anywhere in mind you want to go?" She asks. I rub the back of my neck and nod softly. "Y-Yeah...I thought maybe we could go to the place I work. They have really good desserts if you would like that instead." I suggest. "I-If not, we can go some-" Before I could finish, Ashley grabs my hand and smile. "You know me well. I honestly wanted something sweet anyway." She tells me. I blush as I feel her hand on mine and look down at them before looking back up at her. "W-Well...w-we shouldn't waste any time. I-I heard my co-worker is making her tiramisu tonight." I say. Ashley hums and sways a bit. "They are so good! Let's go then!" She then immediately drags me off somewhere. "H-Hey! W-Where are you taking me? T-The coffee shop is t-the other way!" I say, wondering why she is isn't going in the direction we were suppose to go. She didn't answer me back as she continues to drag me off somewhere.

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