Rebecca Chambers (Part 1) : Finding Her Lost Love

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Rebecca's POV

Me and a few others had been given a mission to rescue any surviving passengers of an overrunning train. We don't know what we are dealing with so we were told to be extremely cautious. If that's the case, I just hope to be alive to continue my search for my boyfriend, (Y/N), who disappeared months ago. I went through my pants pocket and pull up a picture of the both of us in a carnival where we were on a Ferris Wheel. I gently smile at the picture and hold it close to my chest. I put it away once I felt the helicopter land on the ground then left it with the others. Once outside, we have been told through the walkie-talkie to go separately to not create attention. I watch my teammates go their separate ways as I went straight for the train, while hiding behind bushes. I looked around each car's window but I see no one carrying weapons. And I also take notice that none of my teammates aren't in there either. I grab my walkie-talkie then asked everyone quietly "This is Rebecca Chambers, are you position?" But all I got was static and some creepy moaning. I turn it off then went to the door in front of me, leading me to what looks like a dining car. I look around and saw some dead bodies, that look burnt. I turn away in disgust with my hand covering my mouth. Then I heard footsteps behind me. I turn and saw the corpse moving towards me. I tried to pull out my handgun from the holster but it's stuck. I backed up while attempting to grab my gun but I fall on my butt. Just as the corpse got close, his head explodes. He drops dead and I saw a guy pointing the revolver where the head was. I took notice of his appear and start feeling nervous. I finally pull out my gun and aim it him. "Y-Your Billy Coen...the murderer." I said. Billy chuckled and shake his head. "A thank you could've been much better." He joked. "But in all seriousness, I just saved your ass from that monster. Be thankful I didn't shoot you." I sighed thinking that he is right. But I still won't let my guard down even after one rescue. "Even so, I still don't trust you, a convict." Billy rubs his neck. "Whatever." Then all of a sudden, the train began to move. And we start hearing creepy moans from the cars next to the one we are currently in. Billy looks at me with a serious look. "Look, little girl, you don't have to trust me, but we need to work together before this train hits something we don't want." I put my gun down and crossed my arms. "Fine. And DON'T call me a little girl. It's Rebecca Chambers to you!" I walk ahead of him. I hear him laugh. "Whatever you say." 

After a couple of minutes shooting down the undead, we made it to what looks like a passenger car. Billy told me that we should search the two rooms before going inside the first one. I look inside the second room and saw a couple of herbs and ammo, which gets me wondering, who leaves stuff like this in here. But my thoughts got cut off after hearing banging on the closet door along with a muffled voice. I aim my gun at the closet door and quickly opened it. What I found made me shed tears. I see (Y/N) tied up with tape on his mouth and a blindfold. I drop my gun and quickly untied the rope and removed the tape and blindfold. (Y/N) looks at me and gasped in surprised, in a good way. "R-Rebecca? Is that really you?" He asked me and I answered him with a big hug and cried. 

(Y/N)'s POV

I instantly hug Rebecca and started crying with her but not as much as she did. "W-What happened to you? I looked everywhere for you." She said as she cries. I look at over at her. "I can't remember much....but some dude with shades kidnapped me, said that I was no use because he got the wrong guy, drugged me, then ended up here." I explained. Rebecca hugged me tighter and soon stopped crying. "I'm so glad you are ok. But when I find that guy, I'll make sure he doesn't make it alive." She said. I chuckled a bit. "That's new." I heard footsteps and saw some guy looking at us. "If you lovebirds are done, we have a train to stop." He said and Rebecca gives him the finger. "At least give me some time with him." He leaves the room and waited outside. "Don't mind Billy...he's just being an ass." I laughed quietly. "Does he know that?" Rebecca gently laughs at my joke. "But you know, as much as I want to catch up, this Billy guy is right. If we don't stop the train, then we won't be able to." I said to her. She lets go of me and nodded. "Your right. Here." She grabs a shotgun from the bed and give it to me. "You will need this." She gets up and walked out. I get and followed her and Billy to the front of the train. Once we got there, we notice that the controls have been broken. "Fuck!" Billy exclaimed as he slams his fist on the board. "What now!?" I look around before pointing at the card scanner. "There! That must be an emergency brake!" Rebecca and Billy turned to look at it. "Find that card! Now!" Rebecca yelled as we all look around for the card. So far, we have no luck finding until I got a really risky idea. "One of us needs to search the other cars for the keycard." Billy and Rebecca looked at me like I'm crazy before Billy walks to the door. "I'll go. If it's true that the card is elsewhere, I'll search." Billy leaves the car, leaving me and Rebecca alone. "So um...what now?" I ask. Rebecca shrugs and looked at the window. "We can't really do anything since the controls are not functioning. And I see no zombies near us." She turns to me with a smile. "I guess while we wait, we can..." I rub my neck. "Yes. We can kiss. I mean it has been awhile since we last-" I got cut off by Rebecca's lips against mine. I kiss her and held her by the waist and her arms around my neck. After a couple of seconds the door opened and we quickly separated, only to see Billy with an annoyed look on his face. "Looks like I'm dealing with lovebirds for a lo-" Rebecca snatches the card out of his hand and quickly scanned it, causing the train to abruptly stop. We fall on the floor and I got knocked out by a falling lamp. All I ever heard was my named screamed by Rebecca before I hear nothing and went to pure darkness.

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