Jill Valentine (Part 2): Dangerous Encounters

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(Y/N)'s POV

It took us about half an hour talking about what is up with the monsters roaming, how this mansion has traps, and where everyone else went to. Jill sighed and looked at me. "Again, I want to thank you for saving me from that ceiling trap. If you hadn't shown up, I wouldn't be able to see you again." She looks down sadly. I gently place my finger on her chin and had her look at me. "Jill, everything is going to be ok. I promise." I told her in a soft tone, trying to assure her. She nods and hugs me tightly. I hug her back and rub her arm gently. "I'm here for you, Jill. Always...remember that. Ok?" I told her. She looks at me with a smile. "Ok." She kisses my chin then gets up from the bed we were sitting on. "Anyway, we should find the others. And once we're done, we are leaving." She said. I nod and get up as well. "Let's stick together. Because it will actually give us a chance for survival with our combined firepower." I said to her as I pull out my handgun. She nods and did the same. "Let's do this." I open the door and we headed out the room to explore other parts of the mansion that was left unexplored. So far, we just solve puzzles and find notes relating to the mansion while having to kill of some zombies and blood thirsty crows and dogs. But...that is until we reach the room leading to the attic. Once we're there, we see our teammate, Richard, bleeding out. Jill quickly ran over to our injured ally and pressed her hand against the fatal wound that is on his stomach. I examine that scratches and bites that are elsewhere. "What happened to you? Who did this?" I asked him while I look for a first aid spray in my bag. Richard coughs up blood and looks at the both of us weakly.  "A sn-snake got me...but it's no ordinary snake. It's large enough to eat all three of us in one go." He explained. I found the spray and looked at him. "This will sting." I said before I spray, causing to him scream in pain. Jill frowns. "Are you feeling any poison?" He nods. "I-I feel it all over me...I don't know if I'll make it..." I shake my head. "Don't say that!" I said as I look through my bag again to find blue herbs. "Please...get out while you still can" Richard said before the venom got his entire body, instantly killing him. Jill then begins to cry and I rub her shoulder to comfort her. "Jill, we must keep going." I said to her. She moves her shoulder away from my hand then gets up and look at me with tears running down her cheeks and with a angry look. "Why couldn't you just ignore him and save him!!?" She screamed. I backed up and put my hands up defensively. "I wanted to save his life but I didn't think an antidote would take effect soon anyway." I look down then I heard her approach me and slapped me. "HOW COULD YOU!?" I looked at her, can't even believe that she did that to me. She must've saw her mistake judging by her reaction to what she did. "(Y/N)..." I shake my head. "Let's just go." I said before I went to the attic to look for this snake. I imagine if we still have that snake loose, then we would all be in trouble.

Jill's POV

I watched (Y/N) search the attic while I feel bad for hitting him. He didn't deserve it. I just got extremely upset about Richard's death. I really want to apologize to him but it seems that he didn't want to hear me at this moment. I've decided that I'll give him time to himself and leave to search other places for our teammates. I started outside to the graveyard and took down a few zombies that were roaming. I headed downstairs to what looks like a catacombs and looked around. I noticed a huge coffin laying at the far end of the empty room. I begin to investigate the coffin before it suddenly busted open, revealing a zombie but with its head completely red. I quickly held up my pistol and start shooting but the zombie couldn't go down easily with both resilience and swiftness. I tried to fire more bullets but I ran out of mags and the zombie grabbed tightly, trying to get a bite. The next thing that happened was a bullet through the head. I push the dead zombie away from me and turned to see Barry with his revolver. I run to him and hugged him tightly. "Thanks, Barry!" I told him. He pats my back and steps back a bit. "No problem. By the way, did you find anyone yet?" He asked. I look down. "Richard is dead and...(Y/N)...have you seen him?" I asked. Barry rubs his neck and shake his head. "Haven't seen him yet. Though knowing him, he'd probably head for the library since he believes every clue is there. But anyway, I should continue exploring." Barry said before handing me ammo and turning around. I stopped him. "Wait, shouldn't we stick together?" Barry shakes his head. "No. It's always best to split up in a place like this. Besides, you need to find (Y/N). From the look of things...you needed him for whatever reason. See ya." Barry immediately walks out the door, leaving me in the catacombs. I shake my head then grabbed the ammo he handed to me and headed out as well, working my way to the library.

Minutes Later...

I swear, this mansion feels like a maze. It feels like wherever I go, I'm always ending up in the same place. But after many doors opened and secret places unlocked, I finally found the library Barry mentioned. I searched around for clues but I stopped once I heard hissing behind me. I slowly turn around and see an extremely large snake hovering over me, staring at me. I slowly step to the side as the snake's head follows me before I start running. The snake would try to eat me while I run around it to shoot both its head and tail. But as I attempt to kill the snake, its tail was slammed against the wooden ceiling and trapped my leg. I struggled to pull my leg out before I see the snake slithering over to me with venomous saliva dripping from the mouth. I close my eyes to avoid seeing my gruesome death as my thoughts were flashing my entire life, from when I first joined S.T.A.R.S., how I met my friends, and even when I started dating (Y/N). Then all of a sudden, I heard an explosion and splatter. I open my eyes and the first thing I noticed is the snake's head was blown off then I see (Y/N) with a grenade launcher. He hurries over to me and lifted the planks off of me, where I am able to move away. "Are you alright, Jill?" He asked me. I nod and got up. "Yeah. Thanks for saving me." I said to him. I look up to see him putting in another grenade in his gun. "Listen...(Y/N), I'm sorry about earlier. I wasn't thinking straight." I look down feeling ashamed then I felt his hands on my shoulder. "You know I never stay mad at you." He said to me with a smile. "Of course, I'll forgive you." I begin to shed tears and begin to hug him tightly, making me cry. (Y/N) hugs me back and rubs my back gently. "Everything is alright, Jill. I'm not going anywhere." He told me. I continue crying but I manage to pull a smile while I look at him. "It's nice hearing that from you. I love you." I said to him. He chuckles and leaned closed to my face, saying "I love you too." Then we share a kiss. But it didn't last of course when we heard a few moaning from zombies in the next room. He sighs and pulled out his pistol with his left hand. "Guess our time for that will have to wait." He said. I smile and pull out my shotgun. "That's alright. Work first." We both walk to the door and start kicking it, shooting down zombies in front of us.

To be continued...

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