Ada Wong: Help From An Old Friend

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(Y/N)'s POV

So...this is how it's gonna end? Stuck in a small store in Raccoon City with no way out as those zombies are trying to break in through the door and windows, no more ammunition for my pistol with my knife being my only way of attacking, and a cut on my stomach from dropping onto a shard of glass from running away from those things. I have no other way but to let them come in and eat me was at least nice life while it lasted. I lean against the counter and crossed my arms together as I watch the zombies still trying to break in. "Who's hungry?" I asked them. When I thought it is all over, there came a noise...gunshots from outside. That caused the zombies to turn around and head to the source of the gunshots. Confused, I slowly move to the window to see where they are going and at least see who or what shot their weapons. But as I look, the zombies are all gone. Then I noticed a giant hole on the ground. Wait...did they fall in trying to follow the sound? And speaking of which, I see no one in sight that caused it. Thinking it's safe, I walk outside and look around then noticed a piece of paper on a dead corpse. I pick it up and checks it out. It is actually a note given to me because that note was not here when I arrived. I read it. "I've been watching and I figured that you require assistance. Maybe I'll show myself at the right moment. From an old friend." An old friend? I mean...I don't remember anyone that I would really come into contact with recently...but I also a red lipstick kiss mark at the bottom of the paper. For some reason...seeing that reminds me of someone I know...a while back. I begin heading for a safe place I hope to rest in.

(Minutes Later)

As soon as I found a safe place in the city, I sit down on a chair and kept reading the note, but was more fixed on the lipstick mark that is placed on it. As I continue staring at the mark, it suddenly gives me a flashback.

(Many Months Ago)

I was working as a undercover agent at The 3rd Organization for the FBC, posing as one of Wesker's followers in the attempt to get more information and hopefully stop Wesker from creating more dangerous things and use them against humans. How I got myself to this is something I still don't know but it was something I had to get done. And I had to pair up with Jack Krauser and Ada Wong, two people who worked with Wesker...or at least, I thought so. Wesker wanted the three of us to work together for an assignment far into Spain and wanted us prepared for in about 2 weeks. Normally, I work on my own since I don't do too well with partners but I had no choice if I wanted to complete my main goal. So I decided to take time to talked to both Krauser and Wong. Krauser...he wasn't really the friendliest one to me...or to Ada now that I think about it now. But I could tell from looking at him that he trusted only Wesker for whatever reason. But it is whatever now since I hardly heard from him. Then there was Ada...I don't know what it was about her but there was something that made me feel attracted to her.


After going through that flashback, I finally realized who possibly sent the note. "Ada..." I mutter softly to myself. "Are you actually still here?" I sigh quietly and stand up from the chair then moved towards a couch in the same room. "I should probably rest for a bit. No point working up about it when I am in the middle of this situation." I lay down then close my eyes, causing myself to have a dream about the events months ago again.

(Many Months Ago Again)

It was a week before we set out for Spain and I spent my time mostly practicing with my firearms and try to talk with both Jack and Ada, mainly to see if I could gain any more information. Jack, of course, never bothered talking to me. But with Ada on the other hand, we would actually get along with each other easily. We would talk about our favorite things, joke about things, and do stuff that friends do while still focusing on the mission. Ada was pretty much the reason why I didn't attempt to steal information from her so I wouldn't destroy our friendship. And truth be told, I actually used to have feelings for the lady.
On the last of the week, I was on my way to my room to contact my boss through a secret email about my current findings until I found Krauser leaning against the wall near my door. "Going somewhere, (Y/N)?" He asked me. I nodded. "Y-Yeah. I'm going to take a nap." I began to open the door but Krauser's arm blocks my path in and he leans close to me with a menacing face. "Now listen here...I don't trust you at all as well as Ada...and I'm pretty sure Wesker doesn't either." He said. "The reason why I decided to work with you two is so I can get a better chance of getting the sample. Though...I already have a different plan in mind..." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I know you don't trust us and I don't expect you to. And what plan? Thinking of kidnapping the President's daughter as a way to get the sample? Give me a break..." I moved his arm away and enter my room then sits down on my chair. Krauser turned to the entrance to my room and growled. "That smart attitude of yours would probably be my reason to stab your back. Watch yourself." He closed the door hard. I shook my head then sent an email to my boss on my laptop before I heard a knock on my door. I quickly hid my laptop somewhere then looked to my door. "Come in." I called out. Then the door opens for me to see Ada coming in and close the door. "Hello there, (Y/N)." Ada said to me with a smile on her face. I smile back at her and tilt my head. "Hi, Ada. What brings you here?" I said back to her. She sat on my bed and looks at me. "Well," She started, "there was something I would like to talk to you about. And it's something that I thought about for quite a short time...considering we have about a few days left before we depart." I tilted my head to her again. "Oh? What is it?" I asked her as I took notice of Ada's cheeks turning pink. "I might as well let it out because it might be our last time seeing each other." She looks down at floor then back to me. "(Y/N), I-" Before she could finish, Krauser barged in. "Hey, you two! Wesker wants us to leave now. Something came up and we need to get to Spain." Krauser then headed in the direction of the armory. I stood up and shook my head. "Damn it...ever heard of knocking?" I muttered and turned my head to Ada. "I guess it'll have to wait. We got a job to do." I turn back around and headed for the armory, while hearing Ada say in sad and annoyed tone, "Yeah...let's go."

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