Jill Valentine (Part 3): Traitor Among Us?

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Jill's POV

It took us quite a while to get rid of the horde of zombies that came after us after (Y/N) had defeated that snake. What's probably much more crazier than a horde of zombies and a giant snake is that there were zombies with red heads with claws and some kind of lizard monster that joined them. Thankfully, our combined firepower plus with (Y/N)'s launcher, we were able to finish off those monsters. I turn around to (Y/N), who is currently checking his ammunition to see if he has any more for his launcher but seeing how he tosses it away, I'm assuming he doesn't. "So, (Y/N)...I had been wondering...do you think it's weird how Barry just helps us for one second then goes alone?" I ask him. (Y/N) raises his right eyebrow and pull out his pistol. "I mean...it's odd but that's how Barry is. But what about Wesker? The last time I saw him, he was heading to some graveyard before I went for the library. He told me that something serious is gonna happen there and I should hurry." He tells me. "Now that...is pretty strange." I added on. Then we both thought of something else. "What about Chris?" We both ask each other at the same time. But then we just shrug it off. "No...I knew Chris for a long time. He wouldn't lead us into a trap." I say. (Y/N) nods in agreement. "I agree. But let us hope that none of them are leading us to a trap." (Y/N) says before loading his pistol. "But for right now, let us worry about looking for the others and bounce." I just blinked my eyes before I smile and let out a soft giggle when he said that. (Y/N) tilts his head in confusion. "What? Did I say something?" He asks me. I continue to giggle and look at him before I shake my head after gaining my composure. "N-Nothing...it's just...I never hear you use "bounce" as a way of saying to leave. It just sounded funny to me, I'm sorry, honey." I tell him, giggling a bit more. (Y/N) blinks his eyes for a bit then did a chuckle. "Yeah...it did sound dumb...wait...honey?" As soon as he says that, I blush. "W-Well...yeah." I look at him and shyly twiddle my fingers together. "I wanted to give you a cute name...that's all." I say to him. (Y/N) blushes as well and rub his neck. "Geez I uh...haha...you definitely got me there. I will have to come up with more when we get out of here." He says. Hearing him say that made me smile and I approach him, hugging him tightly. "(Y/N)? I love you so much. Please remember that." I tell him. (Y/N) wraps his arm around me and give her a kiss on the head. He had to move my beret to do that but I didn't mind. I wanted to live in the moment we have. "Of course I'll remember that, dummy." He says in a joking manner, which I laugh to. "I love you too." I look up at him and smile, which he does the same before we give each other a passionate kiss. After a few more seconds of kissing, we pull away and I pull my pistol out of my holster. "Alright. Let's focus. We should find the others." I say. He nods and we both begin our exploration again.

(Y/N)'s POV

I just want to find the guy who made this mansion and smack him upside the head because why is there this many rooms and many of them are a bundle of puzzles and rooms that many mansions shouldn't even have in the first place...unless they're some crazy person. I mean, Jill and I went through a room where armored knights were trying kill us by poisoning us with gas but with our quick thinking, stopped it from ever entering our system by moving things around. Still! That's something a crazy person would design something for such a nice place like this!...Okay, maybe not nice in this case but it's at least neat. But thankfully this time, we are no longer in the mansion but some sort of other residence that is part of the mansion. But unlucky for us, the way to get here was a pain since we ran into some lizard people as well as some spiders...one of the most hated things in my book. It's even worse that they're huge! Me and Jill are currently trying to avoid any more trouble that we may run into then we both stop when we hear something. Like someone is talking. I look at Jill and did a shushing gesture with my lips and finger before I slowly move towards a door that probably has that person in there. I put my ear against and start listening in. It was hard to hear as the person was quiet but the words I can make out were "destroy" and "S.T.A.R.S." But then I realize the voice sounds really close to Barry's. What he is thinking and what is planning to do with S.T.A.R.S.? I continue to listen more then I hear him say "What about my family? Is it worth it?" I sigh quietly and shake my head before I decide to listen some more. But I do not hear any more talking and instead hear a door opening and closing from the opposite side of the room. Deciding that there is nothing more to listen to, I slowly take my steps back from the door and went back to Jill. "So? What was that about?" She asks me. I sigh again and place my hand on my hip. "That...I think it was Barry." I tell her. "What?" She says in surprise. "What's he doing here?" She asks. I shake my head. "I have no clue but...he just seems to be talking to himself because there was no other voice in the room and...what he was saying was really strange." I tell her. She tilts her head and walk a bit towards me. "What? What did he say?" She asks. "Well...something about S.T.A.R.S. and-" Before I could continue, the wooden floor below me suddenly broke apart and I fell right through. I screamed and tried to reach for Jill's hand but it was too late and I just fall down. "(Y/N)!" I can hear Jill screaming from above as I still fall down until I land on my back on steel floors. I groan in pain and slowly lean up. "My back..." I try getting up but then a crack was heard and a popping feeling happened. "Oh! My back!" I groan more and get up from the ground with my hand pressing against my back. While I try to relieve the pain I am feeling, I also take the time to examine the area I am in. What looks like to me is some corridor you would see in a laboratory. And that is odd too...considering that this is underneath a residence...but I am now starting to think there is more to it than just a mansion with monsters roaming. I attempt to ignore the pain and slowly move forward to investigate further in this place. It could also have some sort of discovery waiting for me to reveal and explain to me what the hell is up with this place.

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