Dimitrescu Daughters: Lovely Man-Thing (Lemon)

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(Y/N)'s POV

It had been quite a while after my time with Alcina...and by that, I mean love-making. Because it was quite an experience, me and her were taking a nap on the bed with me laying my head on her chest and her hand brushing my hair gently for a couple of minutes. When it felt like it was time to eat, I slowly get off of her then look down at her. "H-Hey...s-should we go ahead and get our dinner?" I ask. Alcina smiles softly at me after opening her eyes. "Yes, (Y/N). I'm sure the girls are waiting a long time for us to arrive." She says, chuckling a bit afterwards. I rub the back of my neck and blush a bit. "I-I hope we didn't take too long..." I say softly. Alcina giggled and get up from the bed, putting everything back on including her hat. "Do not worry about it. I'm sure they would understand that we were simply...enjoying ourselves that we got distracted." She winks before moving ahead of me to the door. "See you downstairs, my dear." She says as she looks at me before moving out of the room, leaving me standing there with a red face. "S-She's...gonna tell them, is she?" I ask myself.

I grab my clothes and put them on. Then I look around the bedroom for a phone to use to contact my family that I would be late. I find a rotary phone on a desk and I see that it isn't plugged in to anywhere. Sighing softly, I shrug and think about asking Alcina and her daughters at dinner for a phone that works. I finally leave the bedroom and walk down the long spiral staircase, where I am greeted by Bela at the bottom. "Evening, (Y/N)." She says with a small smile. I nod softly. "I-I hope I didn't keep you and the others waiting." I say, rubbing my arm. She shakes her head. "Not at all. The food is still good to eat. So, come with me to the dining room. You must be hungry." She says as she turns around and walk off. I follow behind her while I also notice some more paintings on the wall. I'm not surprised to be honest considering this is a huge castle.

We made it to the dining room and I see that Alcina is at the end of the table with the biggest seat in the house...badum tss...good thing I didn't say that out loud...Daniela, who is closer to the door me and Bela walked through, is sitting across from Cassandra and there are a couple of empty chairs. This does tell me that they were not kidding about being the only ones living here. They probably have this many for guests. Cassandra giggled a bit and waves at me. "(Y/N)! Nice of you to join us!" She exclaimed. Daniela turns around and smile. "Hey there, cutie. How about you come sit with me?" She asks, winking afterwards. I blush and rub my arm softly. "U-Um...I-I..." I could barely give a response to Daniela but even though I couldn't, Cassandra scoffs a bit at her sister. "You are obviously making him uncomfortable." She says before looking at me. "You can sit with me. I don't bite." She giggled. I blinked my eyes as I still feel my face heating up. Bela sighs. "If it would help, I can sit next to you so they don't try anything." She says to me. I rub the back of neck and nod a bit. "O-Okay." I move to where Cassandra is sitting then sit down next to her right while Bela sits down to my left.

Looking at what is on the table, I'm seeing quite a number of food on the table. There are many fancy foods that must've took quite a long time to prepare but the one that stood out to me is a suckling in the middle of the table. "T-This looks incredible." I say, feeling my mouth watering over the numerous choice of meals to eat. Alcina giggled and put her fingers to her chin. "My girls put a lot of time and love into their food. Please do enjoy, (Y/N)." She says before taking a sip of what looks like red wine. Seems a little thick though but...could be Romanian wine.

I then immediately grab my plate and start filling it up with food of all type. I mean, I am, in their eyes other than Alcina, a guest so I want to at least try everything. Once I grab everything I wanted, I sit back down to begin eating dinner. I watch the others eating as well but I notice that their plates aren't as full as mine. Maybe they weren't that hungry? I didn't question it and I continue eating. After finishing up with a food or two, I look at the three ladies. "They're really good. I-I should take some lessons from you." I say, trying to start a conversation. Daniela giggled. "Why, thank you." She says. I look over to Bela, who smiles softly. "I'm sure it's not the best thing you have but I'm happy to hear that." I didn't hear anything from Cassandra except for the sound of her digging into her food. "Well...um...anyway...L-Lady Dimitrescu." I begin to say as I look over at Alcina. Alcina smiles and takes another sip. "Please. I told you to call me by my name. My girls won't mind...won't you?" She asks her daughters. They all look at her and together they say, "No, mother."

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