Daily Life

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"Shuichi! Breakfast ready!"
"Ah! Alright, I'm coming!"

Shuichi is currently getting ready for school. After three days hospitalized, he can finally go home and live a normal life.
Or at least that's what he thought.

As He sprints towards the kitchen, his aunt is pouring miso onto the bowl. It smells really nice. Shuichi greets his aunt before taking a seat.

The room feels really empty since there's only two people there. His uncle is already working at the police station, His parents is overseas, and his grandparents lives in another city. And that's about Shuichi's little family.

"So, are you going to be ok?" Shuichi's aunt asks.
"I'm sure. It's ok, I'll be fine," Shuichi lets out a reassuring smile, but his aunt is still worried.

"You've changed... They didn't do anything to you did they??" Of course, the kidnapping incident still making Shuichi's family worried. With that incident in mind, they now expect Shuichi to be home before 6 PM sharp. Shuichi don't really mind this rule. But he's kinda sad with the fact that he couldn't read in the library for a long amount of time anymore.

"I'm not really sure about that. My memories are still fuzzy, I hope I can remember them soon," Shuichi eats his miso as he talk. Making him choke a bit,
"Anyway, remember the book you brought two days ago? I'm half through it and I think that...." Shuichi changes the topic before his headache hits. Shuichi and his aunt then discuss about the novels they read, and argues about the best kind of tea. You see, Shuichi has his reading hobby from his aunt, plus, reading while drinking tea in a rainy evening is just perfect for them.

"Be careful, darling. You know what to do when you encounter a suspicious person! Keep your phone on alright??"
"Alright, I'll message you when I arrive at the school, see you in the afternoon!" Shuichi waves before practically running down the street. He's rather happy today, he's going to see his friends and teachers again, even if he had to catch up the lessons. But he tries to see the bright side of the events.

Bright side...



Huh... They sound familiar... Like...

Shuichi brushed off the thought.

"Damn it..." Shuichi sighed and before he knew it, he's already in front of his school. "..." He smiles and enter the school area. The big three story building always amaze him. With more than 10 rooms each floor, high rate facility, gymnasium, and a big amount of talented students, the school also has a very good reputation.

Shuichi walked past the big fountain in the main yard. With four ways to enter the fountain, it separate the front gate, gym, the school building and the back of Hope's peak academy. compared with Shuichi's school, —reserve course— Hope's peak academy is dedicated to the most talented students. They call them with the title "ultimate" or "super highschool level".

Shuichi took a quick glance at Hope's peak academy building before he walks towards his school. Shuichi always have his respect for the Hope's peak students. Even one of his friend is a student at the main Hope's peak academy.

Speaking of friends, Shuichi haven't seen them at all. He finally reaches his classroom. The door is open and it's full of students chit-chats, Shuichi took a deep breath before stepping in.

"Good morning..." He greets the class. Only a few people heard it. He then quietly walked toward his seat, but before he reach it, somebody calls him.

"NO WAY!" a boy across the classroom ran towards Shuichi. Followed by two other boys. "Saihara is back!" He pulls Shuichi's cap, making sure. Shuichi simply laugh at his friend's action.

"Dude. You've been gone for a MONTH! ohwell- two weeks of school if you didn't count the summer vacation BUT MAN!! we're worried!"
"Glad you're back safe and sound,"
"You have a LOT of explanation to do, Saihara-san,"

"I know, I know!" They laughed and starts to joke around before the class begins. Shuichi always like his circle of friends. Only four people including him, and the "dynamic" is pretty plain, but there's no toxicity at all. Shuichi will always treasure this moments with them.


"Hey, Saihara, you catch up pretty fast in sociology and stuff, some of the things about trials and law, even the thing about lies, how did you do that?" one of his friend started to open the conversation.

"Well, I... Don't really know... Maybe it's because of the novels I read," Shuichi sits down with three of his friends in the cafeteria.

"I must admit you're really smart on that. I wonder what kind of novels you read dude?"

"Ahhh Saihara-san probably reading some mystery novels right? I've read one of them. It's pretty heavy but it also has some materials we learn today!" Shuichi simply nods. He still couldn't remember a lot of things, But at least the headache subsided.

Well... Maybe he's just overthinking...


"...Saihara? Saihara!" Shuichi startled and sees the worried look on his friends faces.
"Sorry guys, I'm not f-feeling well," Shuichi laughed it off.
"Do you want to go home early? Seriously dude if you're still not feeling well just rest!"
"No, it's ok,"
"Maybe you can take some fresh air near the fountain, Saihara-san. Let's hang out there after school!" All of them agreed to the idea, they then walked up to their classroom and wait until the bell's ring.

"Himiko, you can wait there," Himiko's mom pointed a bench not far from the tickets counter. Himiko nods and dashed to the bench. Finally, some rest for her feet. She watches her mother and her teacher in the lines, waiting to buy their tickets. The station is flooded with a bunch of people. Himiko doesn't like it here, she hopes that they could leave soon enough. She's tired.

"Hey girl..." She looks up. A middle-aged man is standing in front of her. Himiko glares at him.

"Aww don't be so rude, hey, you're a pretty girl y'know, let's go somewhere else... I have something for you..."

For god sake... Himiko sighed. "No. I'm not going anywhere and sir, you better leave me alone!"

"C'mon... Only for a moment...." He grins. It's not a nice friendly grin. It's creepy. Himiko clenched her fist.

"Ekhem," a teenage boy suddenly came. His green hair distracted Himiko. "Hey, our teacher is waiting in the tickets counter! Let's go," Himiko hesitated but She takes his hand and they quickly dashed to the tickets counter.

"Hey, thank you..." He simply nods and they got back to the lines where Himiko's mother and teacher are.

"Himiko, what's wrong?"
"Nyeh, there's this creepy man talking to me. Luckily a boy pulls me out from there and get me back here,"
"Oh dear..." Her mother then holds Himiko's hand and they buys the tickets. Himiko look around and the green haired boy is nowhere to be found.

"Huh? Where is he?"


"Hey Saihara-san, wanna walk home together?" Shuichi look away from his novel and shook his head.

"It's ok, I'm going to return this book to the library first. See you tomorrow!" Shuichi stands up and they parted ways. He quickly return the book and borrows another one. (Yep there's Shuichi for ya.)

Shuichi reads the prologue of the book as he walks to the front gate. It's a book about murder mystery, and it's pretty interesting because the victim's body cannot be investigated because it was crushed by a hydraulic press. Shuichi can't even imagine how much pain the victim has to feel.

Shuichi closes the book and walks down the street. He feels like someone has been watching him for a moment. He turned around to see everyone just doing their own things. Shuichi sighed and walks home. Still feeling uneasy.

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