Tsumugi, The Tragedy, and The Plan

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As far as I can remember, My childhood is pretty horrifying. At the age of four, or five, I must witness "The Tragedy", that's what it's called. Other kids probably has the same or similar experience.

Well. We must survive with no parents. Some of us are abducted, some of us kills each other, some of us got abused. It's traumatizing to see your friends in the neighborhood just get vanished or killed.

I spent most of my day locking myself in my house. At least, what's remains of my house. Half of it already broken into pieces, leaving most of my room, a bathroom, and half of the kitchen. Living here is tough, if the outside's too dangerous, I must stay in the bathroom. For food supplies, I must search for them, it can be everywhere, trashcan, freezer, you name it.

Two years later, somebody saved me. They said I was knocked out in the middle of the road. They saved me before anything bad happened to me. I was lucky to be saved by good people.

They took a good care of me, even though I'm plain. I found my hobbies and passion in their shelter. I love fashion designs and animes, and they keep encouraging and protecting me throughout the years.

The world recover pretty fast I must say, some of my friends from the shelter start doing their own thing now. The same goes to me. When I was 12, an older friend of mine opens a shop with me, and she made a room; a studio just for me. That's just amazing.

I live in the studio for the rest of these years, and finally attend highschool. Even if I have no more friends, everything is normal, maybe being a plain girl like me is not that bad.

Then, it happen. I think it was a month ago... Somebody kidnaps me, it was very fast, they pulls me to their vehicle and closed the door. I... I remember almost everything. In te car, there's another girl, but before we could even talk, we got knocked out by a sleeping gas.

Then when I woke up, I was...


I was...

"GAHH!!!" I jolted back and hit my head, I reached my glasses to see the room full of paper, fabrics and even a puddle of coffee under the desk. I looked to the clock, 5 AM.

What a beautiful day.

After screaming in full frustation, I picked up  the trash and tidy up my room. Took me a few minutes before deciding to prepare myself for the day.

Brush teeth, shower, check.
Breakfast, check,
Daily dose of (MY FAVOURITE) anime opening, check.

Finally, I reached a piece of paper and stick it to my cockboard. In the cockboard, is my greatest plan.

Or at least, until I read and think about it again.

"RRGH THIS WON'T WORK!!!" out of frustation, I torn the piece of paper from there and throw it to the trash.

The plan... was to make Shuichi, Maki and Himiko remember everything that had happened, because well, they're the survivors and I think they deserve to remember it. But my greatest plan must overshoot this plan. That's why I needed them to remember.

After I woke up, I instantly remember everything, the kidnapping, the killing game, me being the mastermind, my... Death. I cried at that moment, I'm lucky that it's fake. But then it hits me.

Shuichi, Maki, Himiko and Keebo... I-if *I* survived, they should've survived too, right?

That's why, I've been stalking them. Stalking Shuichi is pretty easy. I accidentally saw him one day, he's in the reserve course and I have to pass his school to reach mine. So I wrote, "School schedule stalk: Easy"
Maki was pretty hard. All I knew about Maki was about orphanage and assassination. I don't even know if it's real or not. That's why I've been researching about it, but finally I found her. She only goes out to convenience store, park or to her school that I don't know. I wrote, "random schedule, Park/store: difficult"
Himiko and Keebo? I haven't seen them at all. Can't even find their info. I guess they're not in this town. So I wrote, "Himiko, Keebo: Impossible atm"

Today, my plan was to encounter either Shuichi or Maki. But I guess it'll be difficult, I've been stalking them for a week now, their schedule is pretty tight for me to interfere.

I sighed and grabs my bag. Maybe I'll plan this all the way from the beginning again. I walked to the door and leaves the studio, running towards the school. I just want this day to end fast.


"Oh darn it!" In front of me is a bunch of reserve course students walking towards their school. It's very crowded, are they holding an event or something? Oh god, I don't wanna encounter him.

Taking a deep breath, I walked down to the road. And slowly walk pass the students, hoping that there's no vehicle that'll hit me or something.

Then, there's this one driver. Speeding just like that and throw a cup of their goddamn morning drink to the roadside. Uniform with coffee stain, huh? This is my fate.

"Watch out!" A boy suddenly pulls me over to the sidewalk, causing me to trip and fall onto him, but he also lose his balance, then we both fell down.

"Urk..." I looked up. He's there, in front of me, with his two friends helping him to stand up.
Shuichi Saihara.

At this moment,

I have declared,

That I f*cked up.

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