They're Home||PROLOGUE

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The room is pretty empty for an office. It even pretty dark, the only source of light is a dim desk lamp, and a computer. In the desk there are a bunch of documents and data. Of course, the computer is there as well. With three monitors and a keyboard, a teenager is working on something, typing in a speed of light, writing a massive amount of codes and messages.

As the teenager finished the message, a phone rings.

"Oh, hello," the teenager picks up the phone.
"Yes, they are on their way. I'm about to finish it,"
"Oh? Keep the files and data? Alright, what else?... Oh? Yes, right, their memories should all be vanished,"
The teenager then listen to the orders and the caller's rant.
"I'm very sorry for that, I can-" the teenager cuts off. "Oh? R....really?

Thank you so much for trusting me,
It's ok. You can count on me, not just an ultimate programmer..."

The teenager stands up from their seat. Walking towards the door. Still smiling in such mischievous look.

The Ultimate Programmer knows everything about computers, almost every minutes of their life they spent in front of computer. Codes and datas are their best friend. Hacking, programming, you name it.

They're proud to be a programmer. Even their school acknowledge them as The Ultimate Programmer. The teenager liked the title, however, they *LOVED* their other title as;

"I'm the Ultimate Despair after all...."

At the Hospital

The room has been quiet for the past few hours. A man and two women surrounding the only bed in the room. Patiently waiting for him to wake up. Suddenly, another man with a police uniform comes up to the room.

“How is the investigation going?” said a woman to the man as he walks up near the bed

“We still don’t have that many clues, but we sure going to-“ the man got interrupted by the boy’s sudden move. He grunts a little, before finally opening his eyes.

“Shuichi!” the woman closer to the boy hugs him, soon after, the other joins the hug.

“I’m…” the boy whisper as he examines his surroundings. He sighed, “I’m back…” Shuichi Saihara can feel his tears rolling down his cheeks.


“Shuichi, I must ask you a really important question,” his uncle sits beside him quickly after the long hug and ‘I missed you’ moments. His parents already leaving for work. They are always busy.

“Yes, uncle, what is it?” Shuichi takes the tea from his aunt’s hand before saying thank you

“Could you tell me, everything you remember, after you got kidnapped? Please, we need the information,” Shuichi’s uncle asks, practically begging, hoping that Shuichi remembered something important


He can't remember a thing. His memories are all fuzzy. Even now, when he tries to remember a single event, he gets a headache.

"Shuichi, it's ok, don't push yourself too hard," his aunt holds his hand gently.

“damn it…” Shuichi whispers to himself.

“What is it, Shuichi?”

“Ah, no... all I can remember is that I got to sleep on the kidnapper’s car. Probably forced to sleep. then, I don’t remember anything else. I’m sorry, uncle,”

“It’s ok, I’m glad you’re back,” Shuichi smiles as his uncle pats him and walks away, “Oh, if… you remember anything else, just call me ok?” Shuichi nods. His uncle finally walks out of the room to go to work, leaving Shuichi alone with his aunt.

He put his hand on his chin, thinking, recalling. He ignores the headache he had, but it keeps coming and coming until he finally gave up.

"I'm sorry uncle," He thought before he closes his eyes. Resting for a little longer.

Cabin near the woods.

“Nyeh…” Himiko Yumeno slowly got up, yawning as she positioned herself to sit.

“Ah, Yumeno-chan!” she lift her head, before she knew it, her teacher is already in front of her, tears forming in his eyes, "I'm so glad you're back! You don't know how worried we were!" He cried.

"It's ok sensei! At least I'm back, safe and sound!" Himiko cheered up.

What's happening... Why am I here.... Why is sensei here...?
Himiko is truly confused. She couldn't remember anything other than white surrounding before she wake up. Himiko thought she was dead... But,

"Yumeno, what happened to you? Are you hurt? How did you ended up on the street!?" Her teacher looks worried, flooding Himiko with questions.

“Sensei calm down… I don’t remember anything at the moment… where am I?” she asked back.

“Ah, we were going on a school field trip, remember? You suddenly disappear, we thought it was your magic tricks but then we realized that you were kidnapped! Your other classmates and the homeroom teacher returned home but I stayed here with the police. It’s almost a month until We finally found you! Lying near the streets, unconscious, so we carried you here. Oh, also, your mother is on her way here,” He ended his story almost in one breath.

“I was gone… for a month?” Himiko tries to recall her memory, “I can’t remember anything after I got kidnapped… nyeeeehh,” She's frustrated.

“… I know what will make Yumeno-chan happy!” her teacher pulls out a card. It's an ordinary Ace card. He flipped it a few time before hiding it behind his hand, when he reveal the card, it turned into a pin.

"Whoa! My pin!" Himiko took the pin from her teacher's hand. She hasn't seen the magic tricks for awhile. She's truly happy.

"I knew this would make Yumeno-chan happy!"

Himiko then learns a few more magic tricks from her teacher until her mother come, she's happy to be back.

For now....

Somewhere in the city

"So this is the last student?"
"Yeah, but her place is surrounded by kids. We can't just drop her there,"
"You're afraid of children?"
"NO! It's just- it would be a problem..."
"Yeah you're right, it's daytime already,"
"We should drop her before she's awake"

One thing they haven't realize, the girl they refer to is already gone. She already took her belongings and escape from the back of the van and took a snap of the car license.

"Hh, Why... How did I get there?" Her head's hurt and she's clearly struggling to even stand up.

She walks towards the orphanage, her home. Back to her family. At least that all she can remember for now. She wonder what has changed, who isn't here, who still here.
When she opened the orphanage gate, She was welcomed by a very familiar voice.

"Maki-San!" A girl run towards Maki Harukawa. "I missed you soo much!!! Where have you been??" She cried as she hugs Maki. Maki quickly picked her up and carried her.

"I missed you too! It's ok, it's ok,, I'm here now," Maki comfort the girl, quickly close the gate before the other kids ran outside.

"Makiii!!" A bunch of children and teenagers immediately run towards Maki and hugs her, forming a big, BIG group hug.
"We missed youu!!"
"It's been hard without you!"
"You missed a LOT of thingsss!!!!"
"We thought you were being adopted!!"
"Maki-chan won't leave us right!?"
"Hwaaaa Makiii!!!"

Maki can't help but to laugh and cry, even if she's tired and currently suffering from the headache, she missed the orphanage too. She's now happy, she's back to her family,



But why does it feels so empty?

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