Forced to Learn, Can't Tell The Truth.

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"So, you live here?" Himiko asked Rantaro as they walked around the park.

"No, but I study here. Well, I don't know if it's classified as "study" anymore," Rantaro could sense Himiko's curiosity. "I usually going to a few trips around the world,"

"That's gotta be fun!" Himiko exclaimed. She never goes to a vacation trip, especially if it's far away, the last one was the school trip when she got abducted.

"Ahah, yea... Probably most of them are fun. But I actually having a break this year," he paused, "unless I got some more news or update,"

"Nyeh... What was that..?

"No, it's nothing," Rantaro smiles. "You seems tired, maybe you should go home,"

"Hehe, it's my default face, but you're right, I should go home now," Himiko and Rantaro then parted ways. This encounter probably not that bad for Himiko. Even if they don't have each other's number or anything, her gut says that She would meet him again, sooner or later.


"Thank you so much, I will tell him to inform you guys when he awake," Shuichi could barely hear a voice, a gentle, familiar voice. Then, he hears... a door closing and a footsteps walking towards him. He's about to lost his consciousness but he force himself to open his eyes.

"Ugh..." He struggled to stand up. His surrounding still spinning around him. Then,

"I leave my wish to you, Saihara,"
"The impossible is possible! All you gotta do is make it so!"
"C'mon, you're the detective."
"I'm sure you guys going to be the best of friends,"

Shuichi finally snapped. The memories flooding his head, he doesn't want it. Shuichi covered his face, crying and halfway screaming before his aunt rushed to him and calmed him down. Shuichi sobs in his aunt's arm. No, he doesn't want any of this. If he didn't promised Tsumugi, if he just listened to his friends, if he... If...

If only he died there, He wouldn't have to face all this nonsense.


"..." Tsumugi got really down after she made Shuichi fainted. She's now walking to the nearest convenience store to buy some snack, she might do another anime marathon after those embarrassing moments.

"S-SAIHARA-??!!" Tsumugi panicked as she sees Shuichi collapsed right in front of her.
"Saihara-san!!" Come another voices. Shuichi's friends rushed to help Shuichi and keeping Tsumugi away from him.
"I... Was just talking to him! I didn't do anything!!!"
"C- calm it down guys, let's get Saihara to his home already,"
Tsumugi watched them carrying Shuichi and walks away, she just stood there, sobbing. Of all people, she thought that Shuichi is the one who understands the situation better than her. Did she trigger him or something?

"..." Tsumugi glanced over her groceries, she's on her way home. What should she do from now on? She looked down as she walks.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" An unsettling voice suddenly hit her ears.

"hUH-" Tsumugi got back to reality. She would've fell if someone didn't grab her hand. Tsumugi turns around, "thank yo-"

A girl is in front of her, her intimidating eyes observing Tsumugi, her long brunette hair, it's Maki, "wait. I know you..." She said with her darkest voice. Tsumugi release her hand from Maki's grip. "You've stalked me didn't you?"

Tsumugi, without thinking, sprints towards her studio. "HEY!! ANSWER ME!" Maki shouted from the distance. Tsumugi run even faster, when she look behind, Maki is chasing her. Now she couldn't go to her studio with Maki following her. Tsumugi took a quick turn to the right, then she turns to the left. Shit, She whispered under her breath, She turns around and to see Maki with her clenched fist, Tsumugi could feel a dark aura coming from Maki. This won't work, Tsumugi's groceries making noises as she runs, Maki could probably find her. There's no crowd around her, she couldn't feel her feet anymore. Well, maybe... This is it.

Tsumugi turned around, expecting Maki to just catch her there. But she's nowhere to be found. "Huh?" Tsumugi looked confused, but also relieved, at least her day wouldn't get any worst.

Maybe, she's just lucky.


But Maki, she just couldn't chase Tsumugi around anymore. For a simple reason, that is,

"Why did you snap like that all of the sudden?" Nagisa asked, Maki was taking the children to play outside before the day ends, Nagisa decided to come as well. But then Maki saw this girl about to fall, so she reflexively pulls the girl up. She didn't expect the girl to be her stalker.

"Nothing, I'm sorry." Maki said in a cold tone. They then walked towards the orphanage with the kids. Maki and Nagisa watches the kids from behind. Everything is silent and practically awkward,

"...hey Shingetsu," Maki finally spoke. Surprising Nagisa who had only been focused on the road. "I heard you calling someone earlier, I know I probably shouldn't ask but, who was it?"

"Oh, just a friend of mine from Towa City," Nagisa sighed softly.
"Then, why did you mention Hope's Peak Academy...?" Maki ask, her monotone voice makes the atmosphere a little more tensed. Nagisa diverted his gaze.

"Well, they just want to visit Hope's Peak Academy to see their relatives,"

"Oh,," Maki was not disappointed. Maybe she was just overthinking about the conversation. She didn't even expect the situation would be this simple.

But she wants to know the truth, Nagisa was lying, definitely. Maki could feel it.


"Shuichi! Dinner's ready!"

"... I'll come later!" Shuichi answered. He needs sometime to think. No, that's probably not the right words, he needs sometime to forget every information that flooded his head all at once.

"Calm down, Shuichi, calm down...." He whispered to himself, Shuichi sits in the end of his bed and reaches his book, maybe reading would distract him.

"..." After he reads the first line, he immediately toss the book to the side. Maybe it's best to just eat...

"How's school, Shuichi?" Shuichi's uncle asks, breaking the silence.
"... Good and well, as always," Shuichi slightly smiled. But his tired face tells the truth.

"Is something happened? You seem pretty tired,"
"Nothing happened, really,"

"..." Shuichi's aunt stayed silent.

"...did you perhaps, remember somethi-"

Shuichi suddenly stands up, knocking the chair he sits on. His expression changed drastically. "There's nothing to remember."



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"H..ha... There's nothing to remember, nothing to mourn, they're dead already!"

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