Peace Within Despair

599 17 16

"I can't believe he's the one who gotten into despair after he remember, phuhuhuhu..."

"Why haven't we erase their memories? They could do something about-"

"I know what I do, darling. This is going pretty... Accurate... Eheheh...."


"Hooi Saihara-san~!" Shuichi snap back to reality and look around, confused. Oh yea,, this morning his friends pick him up from his house and walk to school together, what was Shuichi thinking again?

"Your aunt seemed more worried earlier, what happened yesterday after we got you to your house?" His friend rests his elbow on Shuichi's shoulder.

"Oh, umm... I... I think I snapped when we ate dinner," Shuichi explained, "My aunt got worry. They told me I said "they're died anyway," My uncle didn't expect me to say that, yet they couldn't understand what was going on. After that I say sorry and ran to my room. Locking myself..."

"Shuichi?? You haven't finish your dinner... Are you ok?" Shuichi could hear some mild knocking behind the door. He remains silent as he heard another voice,
"Shuichi? What happened?" His uncle asks, also knocking his door. "Did I say something?"
", I-" Shuichi sighed. "I just need sometime.... Alone,," Shuichi then heard footsteps, walking away from his room.

"Seriously tho... What did that girl do-"

"Forget about that now, I just beat the hardest level on this game!!!" Shuichi and his friend rushed over to another boy who is holding his phone. "Now Shuichi! You promised to beat the hardest level if I can beat it! You better keep your promise," he said as he lend his phone to Shuichi.

"You bet!"

Not far from them, Tsumugi is also walking to her school. She's keeping her distance from Shuichi, hoping that he wouldn't see her. I should have left for school earlier. She thought. Now what shall I do after this? Maki probably going to chase (hunt) me if I show myself. Keebo and Himiko still gone, haven't found any of them in this city... TOKYO IS HUGE TSUMUGI! A highschool student like you wouldn't be capable of roaming the damn city alone to find two. Two people!! You're just lucky that Shuichi and Maki live near you!!

Arriving at school, Tsumugi look exhausted. Her mood hasn't been good for the past hours. Not even her favorite anime could cheer her up. Tsumugi slams her head to her desk, she still need Shuichi's help, but how will she convince him after the incident yesterday?

"... should I give up?"


"Pekooo! Have you found it?" Mahiru peeks inside the computer lab, seeing Peko opening some cabinets, searching for something. Hope's Peak Academy is a huge building, students and teachers often got lost and left something. In this case, Mahiru forgot where did she put her camera roll after teaching some classes. So then she asks Peko (who was at school and the first person available) to help her.

"No, sorry Mahiru,," Peko stands up and closes the cabinets.

"Ah, alright.... Aww man, I really wanted to give him those pictures..." Peko walks up to her and pats her back, Mahiru let out a sigh, "oh well, let's go home then?" Peko nods as Mahiru ran towards the school entrance, then She turns around to see the computer lab. It's been over a decade, everything changed, much better now.

"He)!#)llO!" A voice could be heard from a distance. Peko approaches the voice which was came from a laptop. "Ha!#+ 8c?, '@! 675?" Peko is clearly confused, maybe I should bring it to Souda? She thought. But then, the laptop flashed a blueish light before it turned on, a face appear in the monitor.

A face of a boy, Peko assume. A boy with a white messy hair and an ahoge sticking out on top of his head. It's pretty obvious that the "boy" is a program on a laptop.

"Hello! Can you hear me?" His voice startled Peko, "ah! Sorry, ma'am, did I scare you?"

"What... How did you get to this laptop!?"

"Huh? Oh! I don't really know the details, I just got here a few weeks ago,"

"You was hacking the scho- forget it. Maybe I should bring you to Souda or Hinata so you can be dest-"

"Please don't!!" The program begged. "I won't cause any harm I swear! Please be nice!"

"Why should I trust y-

"It has to do with an incident a month ago... A kidnapping of 3 Hope's Peak Academy students" The program explained, "I just needed sometime to investigate this matter,"

"And why, why should you investigate it?" Peko still hasn't trust the program.

"Cuz I'm a part of the police force. An "alter ego" made by the famous Professor Idabashi! K1-B0 a.k.a Keebo!"

Peko look puzzled "Keebo?"


The rest of the day went well for Shuichi. He watches the sunset as he walked down to the school's library. He never felt so peaceful, yet so empty at the same time, something is missing from his memories, but he doesn't bother to try to remember them. He rather forget everything that happened a month ago than remembering it. Because it doesn't gave him any hope, or any truth. It only gave him-

"Oh, it's you Shuichi! Hahah! My prediction was correct!" A male voice greets Shuichi as he enters the library, Shuichi smiles.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hagakure," Shuichi put his books on the table. "I just wanted to return some books I've borrowed since a month ago..." Mr. Hagakure nods and put a stamp for the back of each books. Shuichi just stood there, looking at the librarian's work.

"Oh, you return two of these books late, Shuichi,"

"Just as I thought," Shuichi grab some money from his pocket and gives it to Mr. Hagakure, "I'm sorry for returning it late,,"

"It's fine! I don't think you have to pay the late charges," Mr. Hagakure laughs


"Your uncle told us that you were gone a month ago, so no need to worry about the charges. We're glad you came back to your family, Shuichi!" Hagakure ruffled his hair, Shuichi smiles and thank Mr. Hagakure before he leaves. This is a good day, Shuichi thought.

But as He walked out the school gate, He saw someone He doesn't want to met. Someone, who gave him despair.


Wowie, thank you so much for 500+ reads! Thank you for sticking around guys :D

Let me talk about ages btw, maybe you guys already know their ages but I'll just note it here.

Cuz the Tragedy happened a decade ago; so

THH and DR2 characters are in early 30's
WOH are in early 20's
And V3 are about 15-16 years old.

Ight that's all, hope y'all enjoy this fanfiction so far ♥

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