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"S-Saihara!? A- I'm sorry!" Tsumugi couldn't even stand on her ground. Shuichi is right in front of her and she messes up the plan. Plus, she's literally just call him by his name, what a day.

"This girl knows you?" One of Saihara's friend pointed at Tsumugi. Shuichi seems to think for a moment,  but then he shook his head.


"Hey hold on, We know her! She's been stalking Saihara-san for some days..." His other friend commented. "You said so yourself. You said someone has been stalking you, we were worried so we simply... Stalk the stalker,"

"She's the one who's been stalking me?" Shuichi look surprised. His friend just nods and Tsumugi is there, still on the ground, trembling.

"I bet she's onto something, probably not good..." One of his friend glared at Tsumugi.

"I'M, I'm not a bad person I swear!!" Tsumugi is panicking. All eyes are on her now. But shuichi remains calm.

"H-hey it's not nice to blindly assume..." Shuichi turn to Tsumugi who's still trembling, and lend out his hands. "You alright?"

"Y...yeah..." Tsumugi reaches Shuichi's hand and stands up. "Th, thank you..."

"So, why did you stalk me?" Shuichi's words took Tsumugi in surprise. She didn't expect him to just question her like that. Well...

"Just expected from the ultimate detective..." Tsumugi mumbled.


"S-sorry! Um..." Tsumugi could feel a heavy atmosphere around her. "I... Just... I plainly juat need to talk!" she finally calmed down. There's no turning back for her, nor Shuichi.


"This last season is very risky!" A man slammed his document on the table. Another ten people in the room seemed very calm. "Sorry. The participants, i mean they..."

"...Yes, even the last student escaped the van,"
"This is YOUR fault for not locking it properly. Now our team is probably in danger!"
The room is now full with shouting and blaming. That is until some teenager raised their voices.

"Calm down everyone," He stands from his chair. "This is just a miscalculation! She woke up earlier than expected. All we gotta do is capture her and 'mess' with 'it' for awhile so that she-!"

"No, we can't forget about this season," another guy cuts off his suggestion. The teenager shut his mouth.

"Puhuhu~" a certain voice could be heard.

"Aww, y'all don't have to be worried about anything y'know! Someone's already covered it up~!" The figure in the end of the table  finally spoke. "For now, let's just focus on the 54th season!" The figure said cheerfully.

"Plus, if they found out, things will get veery interesting~ puhuhuhu~" the figure smirked. "Veery interesting indeed~"


"Himiko Yumeno!" Himiko rub her eyes and look around. Some of her classmates are laughing at her. Oh, she must've dozed off again.

"I'm sorry miss..."

"This is the third time in MY class! If this happens again, I might just get you to detention!"

Himiko then tries to focus. But she still feel tired. Maybe her school is boring, she yawns and writes on her notebook. Everything she does somehow made her tired. She scribbled her book with random objects, but when she sees it again, she realized that the objects are forming a face. A familiar face...

She flip her notebook and quickly shook her head

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She flip her notebook and quickly shook her head.

I'll probably go to the park to clear my head a bit...


The bell rang at 4:00 PM. Maki stretches her arm before packing her belongings and sprints towards the gate, where her friends from her orphanage are waiting.

"The first one who gets to the orphanage gets more cookies!!!" The kids automatically walks faster to get to the orphanage. Maki smiled and walking slowly behind them.

Meanwhile at the orphanage, Nagisa picks up his phone that has been ringing for a minute.
"Oh, you're coming here too!?" Nagisa glanced at the window. "Ahah, of course, your brother and friend is here. Yeah I'll make sure to pick you up at the station!"

The kids starts to flood the orphanage, Nagisa quickly turn off his phone and greet the kids.

"Good afternoon Harukawa! How's school?" Nagisa greeted Maki.
"Hectic and loud, as usual," Maki smiled and lead the kids to change their clothes before doing anything else. Nagisa let out a sigh before walking to the terrace.

"Sorry, the kids are coming,"
Maki, who's done changing was drinking her everyday cold mineral water. But now she's eavesdropping Nagisa's conversation.

"Alright. Do you want me to take you to Hope's peak or his house?"

... Hope's Peak? Maki thought. "Who is he talking to?"

"It's ok Komaru-san! See you soon!"

Maki quietly took her glass and walk inside as she hold her head. She must've remembered something, but it's like a large amount of information hits her head all at once. Making her dizzy. She remember, a specific event that occurred in Hope's Peak Academy.

Killing school life.





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