Learning The Truth

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The Killing school life at Hope's Peak Academy; part of the Tragedy.

Not so long after the Tragedy at the reserve course happened, class 78th of Hope's Peak Academy was sheltered at the academy's building. The symbols of hope was sheltered so that they could rebuild the country, and the world, after everything returned to peace. That was the headmaster's plan. But then, he was killed by the Ultimate Despair.
The Ultimate Despair then took the students memories, then,

they were forced to kill each other. After losing their memories of their school life and the Tragedy, they were trapped inside the academy and forced to kill each other. Everything was being broadcasted all over the world to create even more despair.

"...this is crazy..." Maki turns off her phone. She feel much worst now. All she does for the past few minutes was researching about Hope's Peak Academy, and why did Nagisa wants to go there. Ah, who is he's calling earlier anyway? Maki doesn't know, she didn't even ask.

This is getting complicated. Maki gets up and goes to the kitchen, maybe some tea will calm her down. Some of the kids are playing tag, some are doing their homeworks, Maki took a quick glance at Nagisa who's now studying with some older kids, looking as calm as usual. Maybe he didn't even realize that Maki eavesdropped his conversation.

•×•×•×~ 01001011 e 01100101 01100010 01101111 ...!~ווו

"Saihara, are you sure you're going to talk to her?" Shuichi turn his head to see the worried look on his friend's faces. They're now heading towards the school gate, the school is done, and Shuichi promised Tsumugi to meet after school.

"Well, yes," Shuichi brushed off some dust on his cap and wear it. "Is there something wrong?"

"It's just..."

"Look, I know you guys are worried. But I don't think she's into something bad..." Shuichi sighed. His friends are still sceptical about this, "Y know what... You guys can watch me from a distance, if anything happens, you guys know what to do,"

"Hell yeah!"
"Good Idea,"
"Alright! Let's go Saihara!" Their faces look much brighter than before. Shuichi smiles and they walks faster towards the gate.

•×•×•×~01001011 e 01100101 01100010 o ...!~ווו

Himiko blew some bubbles to calm herself. She looked even more childish than before. The park isn't that crowded, just some kids hanging out with their friends. Himiko feel a little jealous, but at least she has her lovely mother with her.

She remembered after the Tragedy happened, her father was gone and never comes back. Himiko was very scared at that time, but her mother always there to protect her. They both moved out from their town and live on the hills far away from the city for a year, and that was where she met her teacher. He teaches art, but he often teaches magic tricks to Himiko.

"... that reminds me..." Himiko sits down on a bench and pulls her notebook. She flipped it to her doodles. The "familiar faces" she drew, maybe she saw them at the park once. She look around to see people's faces. But no, even the kids who hanged out here everyday is not similar to Himiko's doodle.

"Ah, we meet again," Himiko turns her head, the green, no, now that she sees it closer and more clear, the lime haired boy from the station!

"Nyeh! It's you!"

•×•×•×~K e 01100101 01100010 o ...!~ווו

"I think this is a good place to talk..." Tsumugi dragged Shuichi to a quiet alley. There's nobody else, Tsumugi took a deep breath before turning around to face Shuichi.

"So... What is it?" Shuichi feels even more uneasy, this is a shady place, he thought. But he knows that his friends is supposedly somewhere watching him,

"... Ah, um, I don't know where to start..." Tsumugi cupped her hands, "it's just like in one anime I watched... AH! no, now it's not the time! Saihara," she look at Shuichi's eyes. "It's about the kidnapping,"

"What? Y-you mean, you were being kidnapped too?" Shuichi thought aloud, "then... That's why you know me?"

"Exactly!" Tsumugi smiled, "Your analysis is on point,  well... You were the Ultimate Detective after all..."

"Sorry, I'm not an ultimate," Shuichi nervously smile, "I might love reading mystery books, but that doesn't make me a detective..." He mumbled.

"I see, so you forgot everything that happened after we got kidnapped,"


"I don't know where to start. You'll probably going to forget everything i said because I'm plain, but... We were forced to kill each other..." Tsumugi looks more serious now, "if you know, it's just like the tragedy, where 16 ultimates a.k.a the symbols of hope were forced to kill each other..."

"N..no..." Shuichi backed up a little. "Hahah, no way... The tragedy was like... 10... 11 years ago, there's no way I'm a part of killing game!? I..."


Something strikes Shuichi's head, "AARGH!!"

"S-Saihara!?"  Tsumugi's words can no longer be heard by Shuichi. He could see his friend come out of their hiding place. He couldn't feel his legs and suddenly dropped to his knees, everything is spinning around him, he couldn't focus, everything is getting blurry.

•×•×•×~K e 01100101 b o ...!~ווו

"It's nice to see you again," Himiko smiled.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're doing well," the boy sits besides Himiko, "ah, by the way, the name's Rantaro Amami, nice to meet you,"

Himiko lost in her thought for a second, "So... Amami-kun then... I'm Himiko Yumeno!"


"!" Maki slammed her book, did something hit her from behind? She turn around to see nobody near her. Maybe it's just her mind.











"Finally, you're awake..."

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