Reaching The Truth

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"Oh? Yumeno-san!" Himiko turn around, seeing Rantaro happily waving at her from the distance.

"Oh, Amami-kun... Are you also walking your way home?" Himiko asks.

"Yeah," Rantaro took a quick glance at Himiko's appearance, "hey I know your uniform!"

"Nyeh!?" That was random, Himiko thought.

"One of my sister was there. Well, now she's living with my father away from Tokyo tho,"

"Aah... I was surprised..." Himiko then look at Rantaro, "Nyeh-! Your uniform!?" Now it was Himiko's turn to realize. It's no doubt, Rantaro's uniform is indeed from Hope's Peak Academy, Himiko was amazed. She never talked to any of the elite school's students before.

"You just realized it, huh?" Rantaro smiles. "Yeah... I'm a student from Hope's Peak Academy,"

"That's so cool..." She looked absolutely dumbfounded. It means that Rantaro possess a talent acknowledged by the school- no, probably most of Japan knows him for his talent. What kind of talent he possess? Himiko started to guess in her head. Rantaro is pretty tall and he has a good fashion sense, she thought. He also has a pretty deep voice. Is he a singer? Or a fashion designer?

"My talent is the Ultimate Adventurer if you're wondering," Rantaro said bluntly. Making Himiko jump, "ahah, sorry... Did I scare you?"

"Nnah... No it's ok," Ultimate Adventurer, huh? he seems familiar... Wait, I've only met him at the station. We're not even close. Something... doesn't feel right either about his ultimate. Why does it feels like we've known each other for some days...? Why does it feels... Nostalgic talking to him? Nyeh, thinking about this makes me tired!

"Ah, I forgot my phone..." Rantaro suddenly break the silence.

"W- how come?" Himiko asks,

"I must've been in a hurry," he sighed. "Yumeno-san, wanna come with me?"

"Wha- where?" Rantaro ignores her question and walks back to his school with a smile in his face, "H-Hey wait for me!!" They then walk side by side, Hope's Peak Academy is their destination.


Mahiru swung the classroom door open, she could've sworn she saw something moving under the desk but before she could see it, somebody calls her name.

"Hoi Koizumi! Ah, Saionji's here too," A voice chimes in on the hallway.

"Kuzuryuu? What's the matter?" Mahiru closes the door as she turns to him.

"Ooh what's Baby Gangsta doin' here?" Hiyoko grins. Greeted with a deadly glare from Fuyuhiko. Mahiru slaps her back.
"So- is there any reason you came here?"

"Yeah actually, I found this on your desk," Fuyuhiko showed the camera roll he brought, handing it to Mahiru. "It's not like you to left your important stuff like that," He could see a bright smile from Mahiru's face.

"Thank you so much! I've been searching for it! How did it ended up in my desk...?"

"Maybe your dear boyfriend saw your pictures, Mahiru~" Hiyoko said, teasing Mahiru.

"Oh c'mon!"

"Ah that reminds me, you lovely boyfriend is waiting for you y'know?" Fuyuhiko put a sly grin.

"W-well! I'm gonna... go then! See ya Hiyoko," Mahiru marches towards the door. "Oh yeah, Kuzuryuu, Your dear wife is upstairs," Mahiru could hear Fuyuhiko yelled at her. She giggled as she reaches the door.

Maki held her breath while the conversation was going on. She's pretty much terrified, the red-headed woman almost saw her earlier.

Thank god that Kuzuryuu guy came, Maki thought. Wait, Kuzuryuu...? Maki wrote the name on her hand before she slowly steps out of the classroom. No one's around, she sighed in relief. The second floor probably going to be much more challenging for her. She took deep breath as she walked towards the second floor.

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