Meeting Her, Meeting Him

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Shuichi stood there in silence, looking at the two story building. The wide front yard separated the gate and the building. Some children are playing around, the older ones are watching the kids play, some are eyeing Shuichi.

He looked up to a banner at the gate, "Hope for Children" written in three different languages. Checking the address in his hand, He was right, with no doubt, it's the orphanage where Maki lives.  Shuichi closed his eyes to remember last night's event.

"AAAH- H- hah..." Shuichi looked around, he is in... His bedroom. So, it was another bad dream, huh? It's been like this for the past few weeks. He looked at the clock hanging in his wall, 11:03 PM. Grunting, he reached out his hand only to grab the notebook Tsumugi gave him. Curiosity pushed him to read the notes. He took a deep breath before opening it.

"Waking up" was the first two words that greets him on the notes. He continues to read,

"Something struck my head not long after I woke up. It was a bunch, A month worth of memories, and not a good one. It feels like as if a heavy rock smashed you on top of your head. I think that's how I died,"

Tsumugi experience this? Shuichi rubs his eye. As soon as I woke up, my memories just... Gone. Empty. Everytime I remembered something, I always ran away... but she triggers me to remember again,

Shuichi flipped through the pages, he was surprised that Tsumugi actually wrote all of the information she remember. Everything about the killing game from her point of view, some information she remembered about her friends, he then reads a page with his name;

"I think I saw Saihara-kun when I walked pass Reserve Course. He looked pretty much the same, I'll try to talk to him about the kidnapping and the killing game. If he's is alive, are the other also alive? I missed them,"

He flipped to another page. "ACCIDENTAL GREATNESS! I saw Maki at the grocery store! But I think they forgot me, they probably forgot everything from the killing game, well, I better check,"

Shuichi yawns and flipped through some pages, he finally stop when he saw his name being written as a title.

"Shuichi Saihara,"

"Easy to stalk, but never goes out at night. Always with his friends, it turns out that his father is a police, a busy one. Saihara often hangs out in the city's library or his school,"

he then flips the page to see Maki's info.

"Maki Harukawa,"

"Found her at the grocery store. Busy with the orphanage. Only goes out to the park or the grocery store with some kids from the orphanage. Sometimes goes out at night,"

Shuichi glanced at the writing on the edge of the page. Maki's address.


"Guys c'mon, come in!" From the door, a blue-ish haired man with a scarf shouted. He opens the door wide as the children  walks in. Shuichi opens his eyes to see the man locking eyes with him,

"Are you looking for someone?" The man ask as he opens the gate for Shuichi.

"Ah- yes, I'm looking for..." Shuichi enters the yard before he finished his sentence, "Harukawa, Maki Harukawa-san,"

"Kyoko," he called out, "Chihiro said he found something," Makoto waves his hand toward his wife, who seemed to be remarkably focused on her papers.

"Hm? Oh, sorry," Kyoko rubs her eyes before averted her gaze to the laptop on Makoto's hand.

"No worries," Chihiro and Makoto exclaimed in unison.

"So, what is it?"

"Well, during the sudden incident yesterday night, I found out that there was an intruder. In fact, two intruders. One came in though the window, and one came through the back door. I only managed to see those footage before the cameras are completely hijacked..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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