Deja Vu

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"Hm?" Maki opens her eyes to see a stuffed animal landed straight to her face. She grunted before sitting up and looking at the messy room. She sighed. Well, more work for her.

"What is Maki-chan thinking anyway?"
"It's nothing,"
"OH, MAKI IS THINKING ABOUT BOYS??" Another kids come up. "Maki have a boyfriend!?"
"No way," Maki walks away from the crowd, but then she stops before reaching the door.

"oh, hey, what did you guys said about Shingetsu?"
"He's coming back here for vacation. Mama said that He took the train," Maki nods and grabs her cardigan.
"I'm gonna pick him up, you guys wanna come?"
"Nope! We'll wait here,"
"Makii don't forget to buy snacks! Thanks!"

Maki sighed and leaves the orphanage.

"How's your day Shuichi?" Shuichi Turned around and sees his uncle, who just arrived home.
"Doing just fine!"
"Good, good,"

Shuichi creek a smile and goes back to read his book. He's half into the book and he enjoys every bit of it. Shuichi's not the type to checks on the author of the book for some reason. But he somehow feels like he had to.

Shuichi then flipped the book. Took a quick glance before he finally sees it.

The author; Toko Fukawa.

Maki waited at the station for 10 minutes now, and she hasn't seen any sign of the person she's waiting for

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Maki waited at the station for 10 minutes now, and she hasn't seen any sign of the person she's waiting for. She checks her wristwatch, 6PM. She sighed and took a quick stroll around the station.

The station is not that crowded anymore. Maki buys a cold drink and just looking at people out of boredom.

A couple who just got reunited is hugging each other tightly, then there's some high schoolers and workers. But one that catch Maki's eyes is a girl with her parents who just got out from their train.

The girl is quite short. She has a short red hair with a hairpin on her bangs. She's also wearing a high school uniform. It's totally normal to see high schoolers with their parents, but Maki feels something else. She feels... Nostalgic?

Maki had the urge to come up to the red haired girl but then, a certain someone calls her.

"Harukawa?" His voice startled Maki. She turned around to see a young man, just a few inch taller than her. His blue hair looks messy, he looks really tired but also surprised. It's Nagisa Shingetsu.

"Hey Shingetsu," Maki puts a little smile on her face. Nagisa blinks several times saying another words.

"I- I thought you got kidnapped-" He stumble upon his words.
"I think I managed to escape,"
"Oh my god Harukawa," He laughs, "of course, I'm glad you're back," he pats Maki's shoulder.

Nagisa has just started college. And He was one of Maki's best friend in the orphanage, one of the oldest kids either. He's really kind, he always make sure that nobody gets overwhelmed by studies and carrier.

"Well, shall we go now? The kids probably waiting,"
"Yeah, sure," they walked away as they chatted. But Maki could feel a pair of eyes watching her from the station.

"Himiko, what's wrong?" Himiko's mother strokes Himiko's hair.
"Um... Have we met that girl before? That long haired girl..." Himiko pointed at the brunette girl not far from them.
"Maybe she's your friend?"
"Hmn no, other than my classmates, I don't really talk to others,"

  "Oh, that girl?" Himiko looked up, her teacher  claps his hand. "Yeah, I've seen her before!"
  "nyeh?! Where!?" Himiko got excited.
"Yep, when I was visiting an orphanage to do some magic shows. Heheh, the kids were VERY chaotic. But then She managed to calm them down, she's a good caregiver not gonna lie,"
"If they got accepted to Hope's peak academy, they would be the Ultimate Caregiver," Himiko's mother commented.
"Well, it's not like your talent *has* to be acknowledged by Hope's peak academy, don't you think? It doesn't matter,"
"Well you're right, especially after..."

Himiko didn't listen to her mother and teacher's discussion. She's still looking at the girl's direction even after she left. She felt like she knew the girl for a long time. But she couldn't remember.

"Is this enough?"
"Yep, let's purchase it already, it's getting late,"
Maki and Nagisa purchase the snacks and cold drink the kids want. Nagisa insisted that he's the one to pay it. So Maki just waits there  standing beside him.
Maki could feel someone eyeing on her. She looked around to see a blue haired girl about her height, she wears a round glasses and she quickly look away after Maki caught her. Maki glared at her, feeling annoyed. What's with people looking at me this past few hours...

But again. I got Deja Vu looking at these people...

"All done, let's go, Harukawa," Nagisa patted Maki's shoulder before walking out from the convenience store. Maki walk after Nagisa, still glaring at the blue-haired girl.
"So they really don't remember..."

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