Chapter Twelve - The Secret Is Out

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Today was drug testing day and everyone was pretty chill about it, nobody was worried at all exceot for my best friend Natalya. Paige had pulled a prank on her at a party and told her that the brownie Nattie was eating was spiked with drugs. Nattie since then has been paranoid and she doesn't really want to do drug testing because she's afraid that they will find drugs in her system.

Paige told me about this but she didn't allow me to say a word to Nattie. I really wanted to tell her because she's been my best friend for sometime now. I'll always have her back and I know she's willing to do the same thing for me. We've been best freinds since my debut in 2012 when Stephanie introduced us. We got along pretty well o my first day there. She was my only friend at the time.

I was at hair and makeup when Steph came in and asked if she could talk to me in private.

"What is it Steph?" I asked as she had a very concerned look on her face.

"It has come to my attention that you have been acting rather strange around everyone and I have an idea on what that may be."

By now I was extremely nervous. I was shaking from fear.

"Y-you do?" I stuttered.

"Yes, it's really obvious. You don't feel comfortable wearing your ring attire anymore, you've put on a few pounds, and you have been going to throw up in the restroom every fifteen to twenty five minutes. You're obviously pregnant."

"Steph, I'm sorry..."

"No need to say sorry. Paul and I know how badly you wanted to have a baby and we are totally okay with it and we are even more okay with the fact that the father of your child is none other than Nick Nemeth."

"Really?" I was confused. Stephanie had always hated Nick as he was 'Anti-Authority.'

"I started noticing a change in Nick's behavior back in March when you both called it quits. He was so devastated that he almost didn't want to come into work anymore. It killed him to even be her. When you got back together at TLC, the next day when he came in for training, he was all smiles."

I stayed silent.

"That man wants to marry you one day, Darcey. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you and you should never let him go again."

"How do you know all of this?"

"He went to go talk to Paul and I about it this morning. He's a very sweet guy and I feel extremely terrible for ever underestimating him. He's shown us how much he really loves you."

"Steph, I'm afraid that if I tell him that I''m expecting, he'll walk out on me."

"He won't walk out on you. He'll be happy to hear that he's going to be a father."

Stephanie and I ended up talking for an hour. She had told me that I was being written into a storyline where she 'fires' me in front of a live audience. This 'firing' would give me enough time to nurse the baby. After all, I can't wrestle because that would kill it. It has always been my dream to be a mother. I saw how everyone who had a child was happily married and had a few kids. Their lives seemed complete and that's what I want my life to be like.

My entrance music hit and I walked out into the ring. I wasn't going to actually wrestle, but I was going to make it seem like it was. As the bell rang, Alicia Fox came towards me, but she was interrupted by Stephanie.

Stephanie gave a very long speech before saying the words,"You're Fired."

As those words came out of Stephanie's mouth everyone gasped. They were in shock at what they had just witnessed.

Nick's Perspective:

Just as Darcey was about to have her match, Stephanie McMahon interrupted it. She gave a long and boring speech before telling Darcey that she was going to be fired.

Why wasn't I informed of this storyline? Or was it even a storyline? I was going to ask Darcey when she came backstage. She came backstage about five minutes after her firing, She looked scared and I instantly knew there was something wrong.

"What was that about? Why did Steph fire you?"

Darcey's Perspective;

"It's a storyline, but she's going to write me off of the show for about a year."


"Nick, there's no easy way to say this, and I don't want you to think I'm disgusting after this.."

"You're not disgusting."

"I'm pregnant, Nick."

"Oh my god." He says quietly.

"Nick. I'm sorry." I say almost in tears. I knew what was coming. we were going to end it again.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" He asks confused.

"You know what? I'm just going home. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say walking away. I didn't want to show him how weak I was right now.

I drove home and went upstairs to the bathroom. I was really upset and I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I knew he'd react badly to this situation.

I turned on the water, got undressed and got into the bathtub. I needed time alone, to myself.

Nick's Perspective;

I went home to go check on Darcey. She had walked out on me an hour ago and said she was going home.

She was crying, I could tell right away. I can't stand seeing her like this. It broke my heart seeing her burst into tears. She didn't even give me a chance to talk.

I was happy that we were finally going to have a baby in our lives, but she took it the wrong way.

I got out my keys and unlocked the door before going inside.

"Darcey???!!" I called out.

No answer.

I called her name one more time.

No answer.

Her car was parked outside in the driveway so I knew she was somewhere in the house.

I went upstairs to the bedroom we shared. She was nowhere to be found.

I noticed that the bathroom was closed. I knocked but there was no answer. This was starting to scare me. I pounded on the door, but it was no use.

10 minutes later, she emerged from the restroom. Her blonde-ish hair was wet and in tangles.

She walked past me and went into the bedroom to go change.

"Darcey please talk to me."

"There's nothing to talk about, Nick. I knew something like this was bound to happen, I just knew."

"I'm happy that I'm finally going to be a father. This is what I have been wanting my entire life.. A beautiful girlfriend, a baby..."

"I was so afraid of the fact that you'd hate me and never want to talk to me again. That's the only reason why I didn't tell you sooner,"

"Let's just put all of this behind us."


"Let's go out to eat or something." I say changing the subject.

"Where to?"


"You're so obsessed with that place," She says laughing.

"I know."

I worked really hard on this chapter for you guys. it took me about an hour to write and I wrote it today, so (: be happy that I'm updating regularly now.

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