Chapter Thirteen - Photoshoots and Models

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Darcey's Perspective;

The next morning, Nick had to go into work for a Photoshoot. I was rather annoyed at it though, because he was going to have models standing next to him who are probably going to be 100 percent prettier than me.

I don't want anyone getting near my boyfriend, but I have to learn how to deal with it. There's nothing I can do about the models. I can't just go up to them and say,"get the fuck away from my boyfriend."

I don't want to do that because he'll get released from his job and there's a chance that I might get fired in real life and not just in a storyline. I want him to keep working in WWE.

The Bella Twins and I watched the photoshoot. We were sitting atop of some crates backstage. The camera flash went of 10 times as the photographers were taking photos of Nick by himself.

That's when the situation got worse. The models walked out and stood next to him.
I wanted to stab my eyes out. Not because they were ugly, they weren't, but they were wearing lingerie.

It was annoying the hell out of me. I didn't like the idea of models standing next to him wearing almost no clothes at all.

I took my phone out and distracted myself with Instagram and Twitter.

"Hey, Darcey, what wrong?" Nikki asks me.

"I don't like the idea of them being anywhere near him so I'm just not going to pay attention to this shoot," I begin,"I have to admit, I'm jealous."

"Look on the bright side, only you get to tap that," Brie says glancing over at Nick.

"She's right, Darcey," Replies Nikki,"Plus, if one of them tries to get with him, Brie and I will kick her ass for you."

"Guys, You don't have to. Let's not get too violent." I laugh.

"Hey, it's what we do. We are WWE Divas after all. We're supposed to kick ass." Brie says.

I looked over to here Nick was and the models were gone. Thank goodness!

Nick was wearing only a pair of boxers that he had purchased recently specifically for this photoshoot. He looked hot in them, to be honest. I was actually kind of hoping he'd take them off.

The problem with being pregnant, is that you get horny all the time and you can't do anything about it. That was how I was feeling right now and I'm pretty sure the Twins could tell.

"Are you alright?" Brie asks,"You seem all fidgety."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, trying to keep my cool.

"Just making sure," Brie says smirking.

I swear, these girls can tell right away what you're feeling. It's like they can read your mind.


The trip back home was silent. Neither of us had said a word. Not one. I felt like if he was ignoring me or something.

Once we pulled into the driveway, I got off the car and went into the house.

I quickly removed my sweater and hung it up on the coat rack before going upstairs to the room I shared with Nick.

He followed soon after giving me a rather concerned look. I ignored it. After a while, Nick broke the silence.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Nick asks running his fingers through his hair.

"Me? yeah, I'm totally fine," I say nervously, my voice was shaking.

"Babe, tell me. You never act like this," He says taking a step closer to me.

"I swear, I'm fine." I say. This time, I was able to control the shakiness in my voice.

He comes even closer to me planting his lips on mine. He pulled away quickly causing me to frown.

"Why'd you stop?" I question him.

"I'll continue once you tell me what you're thinking about that's making you so quiet." He says.

"Be honest, do you think those models are pretty?"

"That's what this is about," He begins,"The models are pretty-ish but you're perfect. Never in a million years would I trade you for one of them. They look like barbie dolls. You, are a true beauty.. You're not fake like they are."

"Thanks, babe." I say blushing a bit.

Nick has a way with words. He's always one to compliment you even on your worst days. That's definitely one of the qualities that he has that I absolutely adore about him.

"Anytime." he replies before kissing me just as he had promised he would.

Nick's Perspective;

I sat on the edge of the bed on my laptop looking through my mentions on Twitter.

As usual, I had over a thousand notifications. My fans tweet me nonstop.

I came across four pictures that a particular fan had tweeted me. They were from four months ago. I was carrying Darcey when she had a leg injury. We were both smiling.

the caption read,"@HEELZiggler and @RealDarceyWWE are so cute together and they're so in love💕😘💋"

I retweeted, Favourited, and replied to the person who had sent me those pictures. I wrote,"I love her. She's just amazing 😊"

I looked over at Darcey who was sound asleep. She looked so beautiful. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I've never been this in love in my life. This is the girl that I want to spend 'forever' with.

I closed my laptop and slid it under the bed before getting in under the covers with Darcey. They were going to include her in a storyline with me today at Raw since her Kayfabe firing (a month ago).

We needed to get some rest before heading out to the arena because it was going to be a long night.

(A/N: Don't hate me because I keep saying 'a month later' in almost every chapter. I'm doing it so that her due date could come faster if that makes any sense. Once the baby comes, there will be a lot of drama. thanks for reading if you've made it this far)


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