Chapter Sixteen - New Friend

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(A/N: This chapter shifts back and forth between Darcey's Perspective and Nick's (Dolph) Perspective.. Anyways... ENJOY 😊)

~~Nick's Perspective~~

My heart broke as I heard those words come out of Darcey's mouth. Not again, we were doing so good as a couple and now all that's gone to waste. All because of Dana. Dana just kissed me and I tried to push her away but I couldn't.

"Damn it, Dana." I say angrily,"get the fuck out of here. I don't know why the hell you're here in the first place, but just fuck off."

I walked out of the room and head to the parking lot hoping that Darcey was still outside. She didn't want me to apologize or talk to her and she snapped at me so this could be the end of us forever.

She wasn't outside, her car was gone which means that she must be home already.


Darcey's Perspective:

Summer and I were sitting on the couch watching movies while Nicole was sleeping in Summer's room.

The door bell rang and Summer didn't even hesitate to open the door. She came to the living room a couple minutes later with a guy who looked like he was in his twenties. His hair was slicked back and had nerdy looking glass.

Summer went somewhere else in the house to allow time for her friend and I to introduce ourselves.

"What's your name, beautiful?" He asks in a thick British accent.

"Darcey Levesque. What's yours?" I ask trying to sound proper.

"Taron Egerton." He says smiling taking a seat next to me.

"Interesting name." I say trying not to sound rude.

"What is it that you work for?" Oh great, he's the type of person to literally bombard you with a billion questions.

"I'm a female wrestler. My aunt is one of the principal owners of the company WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. I work for my aunt and Summer does too." I explain.

We carried on a conversation for almost half an hour and I started to wonder where Summer had gone. She still hadn't come back yet.

Nick's Perspective

Everything that's hers is gone. She had left her copy of the house key on the table as well as some things that I had gifted her.

Why did I have to let Dana ruin everything for me? I'm such a screw up.

Soon enough, Darcey is going to find someone else, get married...

Nobody will ever love her as much as I do. She means the whole damn world to me and I don't know how to prove it anymore. Every time that I think that life is just perfect, somebody always has to come along and ruin all of it for me.

I sighed as I took a seat on the bed that we shared or used to share. God, it hurts that she doesn't love me. It hurts that i can't be with her anymore.

I was going to propose to her in a few days and now I can't even do that. Maybe everyone else is right, she doesn't deserve me. She deserves somebody better. Somebody that won't cheat on her even though I technically didn't.

Most of all, why the fuck did Dana have to come up from NXT? Why didn't they just leave her there. This wouldn't have happened. What the hell were these people thinking to let someone like her step up from developmental!?

I started pacing back and forth thinking about what I was going to do next in my life.

I noticed something poking out from the drawer of the nightstand beside our bed.

It was an envelop that had,"Nick" written on the front. I wanted to open it, but it just pained me to even do so. After a while, I finally did open it.

It read:

Nick, I love you so much and I always will, but I think it's time for both of us to move on.

You'll find someone else later on in life.

Maybe Dana showing up today and doing what she did is a sign that we aren't meant to be.

I wish I could grow old with you and have more children and do all the things couples do, but it's just so hard for me right now.

You don't need me anyways, I was a waste of your time. Please move on from me, you have to.

I may have told you that I don't want to talk to you ever again, but damn it.. I'll miss you so fucking much.

I'll miss waking up to you sleeping next to me, you making me laugh, Us having weird conversations..

But most of all, I'll miss you..

I kept on reading the letter, but I almost wanted to burst into tears because it really saddened me.

Even though she's mad at me, I will still attempt to call her so we can talk it through.

~~Darcey's Perspective~~

Summer had left the house for about two hours because she had errands to do. She told Taron and I to just stay here and watch movies or something.

We gladly agreed so that's what we're doing now.

"Did I mention that you're beautiful?" Taron asks looking up from the screen turning to face me.

"Yes, many times." I laugh.

"Are you.. Erm .. single?" He asks turning a bright crimson color.

We just met almost three hours ago and he's already making advances on me? This guy sure is quick.

"Yeah, actually I just broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years this morning."

"Well, what happened?"

"He was kissing this other girl at work." I say with a sigh,"it was only a matter of time for that to happen.
It's the second time this happens that we break up. I don't think we're ever getting back together especially after I told him to stay out of my life."

"Oh god. That's terrible." He replies giving me a hug,"if I were him, I sure as hell wouldn't do that. You probably shouldn't have said that either."

"I know. I regret it now, but I was just so fucking angry that the words just slipped out of my mouth. I didn't even think before saying them. He probably hates my guts now and he has every right to. What sucks even more is that I'm seeing him at work today. He's the person who accompanies me to the ring."

"You have a show today?"

I nod,"it's at 6.."

"I've actually never been to a Wrestling show before, mind if I tag along?"

"Sure, I'll buy your ticket and make sure that your seat is at ringside."

"is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"You don't need to repay me. Our newly born friendship makes up for it." I smile.

This was going to be so fun.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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