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Aoi was falling, falling, falling, and falling. It was a quick descent but she could feel herself almost swaying in the breeze, she could almost picture it like a flower being thrown down to someone waiting below. She could imagine the soft pink petals of sakura blossom fluttering in the wind as it landed ever so perfectly on the ground.

She spun and swayed in the breeze as she let the air around her rush forward. her heart dropped as the feeling of cold dread and fear settled over her.

The fall was swift but gentle. Softly floating down to whoever caught her.

She was falling, falling, falling, and falling head over heels for a girl who seemed too perfect to be true. A girl who had eyes softer than any she'd seen but could turn solemn faster than you could blink. A girl who took care of everyone, even when it wasn't noticed. A girl who's smile could light up her world and whose voice could calm her down no matter what.

And suddenly the fall didn't seem so scary. It didn't seem so difficult to manage when she knew she wouldn't hit the ground.

She was falling, falling, falling, and falling right into a callused and rough hand. Falling right into the palm of a goddess.

She was caught by a girl who loved her back. She was caught by a girl who would hold her and swim with her for hours until, inevitably, Aoi would call an end so they could get donuts. A girl who would always be there to stop the terrors, to keep her safe.

And maybe falling wasn't such a bad thing.

//catch me simping for sakura and then pretending to be Aoi. This is pretty different from my usual stuff, any thoughts?

//oh and for the winter drabbles I right add more tomorrow but today I got hit with the urge to write and this is what happened.

Danganronpa one-shots and drabbles (mostly Ishimondo)Where stories live. Discover now