Prologue to a wip!

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Princess Sonia of Novoselic was told to be one of the most beautiful in the world. Told to be able to stop any man or woman in their tracks with a glance. Told to be able to control armies with only her voice. Her country flourished under the rule of her parents, and the people predicted it would only get stronger under her ruling. Sonia herself didn't go into the city much, but she would always make sure to listen. She had truly earned her spot as the favorite princess.

The people would talk of the rumored classes she had to take. Not just languages that stretched across the globe and enough laws to free or imprison anyone. Not only that but weaponry. According to the rumors, she had gone to the best training academy Novolesic had to offer. Considering that Novoselic's Armies and attack strategies were one of their main points of pride, that was saying something.

It was said she walked without guards most of the time, of course, that had brought attackers and robbers in quickly, but the stories about them were worse than anything. Worse than the horror stories they used to scare the children.

The only flaw in the almost perfect picture? She didn't want to sit still. She didn't want to watch as her parents struggled to find countries willing to trade with a cursed land. She desired to protect her people, not sit around, and do nothing. She didn't want to rule. She wanted to lead.

She was the sun. Adored by all until the sunlight got into their eyes. Seemingly at the top until the moon came to take her space, keeping her stuck in a loop. During the day it seemed like she could do anything but as soon as she was out of sight she was forgotten.


Akane Owari was not nearly as respected or well known, at least not by name. Akane was a dragon halfling and known only as the terror of the woods. Any livestock sent in was devoured immediately and never came back. She was feared throughout the land and anyone foolish enough to go into the surrounding forest would run out with burns and scratches.

The few who had made it out described her as fearsome, with wild matted hair and nails sharper than knives. Her eyes were said to be redder than blood and glow like the worst of demons. Said to have wings that stretched so wide the sun seemed to disappear behind them. Said she was quieter than the soft breeze and that you'd never find her before she found you.

She was painted as a demon, and the small country feared walking too far out because of it. They feared being taken, and they feared for their children.

She was called a monster. Called hideous, called the curse of Novoselic. She was the reason Novoselic had the low brick wall around it. She was the reason the soldiers walked around the borders. She was the reason Sonia had taken an interest in monster hunting.

She was the one Sonia wanted to kill the most.

She was nothing more than an asteroid when compared to the sun. Just a tiny rock that would burn up when it got too close. No matter how destructive she might be, she was no match for something as powerful as the sun. Not even close.


The forest surrounding Novoselic was dense, and it was easy to get lost. The few paths that were there were hard to follow and often didn't take you to wherever you'd need. There were lots of stories about what lived there. Stories of dark wizards and of terrible beasts. Of stone monsters and dangerous paths.

There were wonderful tales of enchanted spirits to grant wishes and the queen of fairies to help any lost souls.

The forest was said to be a truly magical place, and if you knew it you could live a life of fortune and wonder! But if you did not, it was a horrifying place to haunt your bones even as they lied in the soil.

No one could say the truth for sure. Some would argue that it was just tall tales, but those who had witnessed the frights inside knew the truth.

But at least one of the stories was true. The one Sonia had sought out to help her on her journey. This was none other than the supreme overlord of ice, Gudham Tanaka. Gundham was a dark sorcerer who lived in the forest. He would use his powers to keep people away but there was one who had slipped through the spells. Princess Sonia had sought him out for his supposed knowledge of everything in the forest. He had taken her in and promised to teach her his ways.

She was determined, and nothing would stand in her way. She knew what she needed to do and he was the key to getting there.

Sonia learned fast. It was clear she paid attention and Gundham would praise her and tell her that "one day we shall rule the mortal world! FUHAHAHAHAHA!"

She would smile and nod along, he could say it as much as he liked, but if he stood in her way she wouldn't hesitate. She knew what that meant, she knew what she might have to do.

Every other day she would sneak out of the castle and go to his house. He lived in what looked like a small shack. The basement was a lot bigger and held all his spells. She never wandered far, but she would stare out the small windows. The forest was dark, and she couldn't see far, but she could see it burning in her mind. Burned down until there was nothing left to harm her people. Nothing left to leave them in fear.

She had seen eyes watching her from the darkness. She could hear the soft rustling around her. She just glared at the trees and walked to Gundam's.

Nothing would stop her. Nothing could.

//hey! so if you read all that thank you! I spent a lot of time trying to make it good and I really like how it turned out! this is an idea I started and really want to continue! If your interested feel free to ask questions! I might add the first few here and then either start a new one or just link you to the one on Ao3! 

Any and all feedback is appreciated! I'm trying to improve and that really helps!

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