Sonia x gundham drabble

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Prompt: "I bet it's a boy" "I bet it's a turtle"

Ship: Sonia Nevermind x Gundham Tanaka

Word count: 209

Souda and Hajime were sitting at a table watching Sonia and Gundham talk to Chiaki. They had mentioned they were adopted, leaving the question... What were they adopting?

They had been married for a couple of years now so it wouldn't be crazy if it was a child, but with Gundam's love for animals it was possible to just be another animal.

Squinting at the two as they chatted to the pink-haired girl, Souda turned to Hajime, keeping his eyes on them.

"What do you think?"

"I say it's a kid. They seem way too happy for it to just be an animal."

"But this is Gundham, remember when he snuck an owl to school? He would die for any animal he saw."

Nodding, Hajime leaned back in his chair. "Sonia seems almost as excited as Gundham though, remember how much she would talk about having a daughter one day?"

"Nah, she would totally go for an animal. No way their adopting."

"Wanna bet?"

Looking over, Souda grinned. "Hell yeah! The loser has to buy the next round."

"Fine, but how will we know who's right?"

"Oh hey Hajime!" Nagito said sitting next to them.

"Hay Nagito."

"Did you hear the news? Gundam's getting one of those rare tortoises."


<<I was bored, Take this leave a request if you want>>

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