Quiet life (part 1)

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The quiet life was odd. It used to seem so far out of their mind, let alone the future.

But then again, none of this had ever seemed to be in their futures. As strange as it was to admit, Mondo, enjoyed it. Enjoyed waking up and cooking breakfast for him and his husband.

"Mondo! You shouldn't have!"


The smile that stretched across his husband's face seemed to say different, as he leaned over to kiss him. Sitting down and taking a bite. The smile faded but never left.

"Let a man treat his husband!"

The laughter that carried out the open windows was joyous.


Enjoyed walking their dogs every day.


"We're not getting a dog."

"C'mon Taka, it'd be fun! You can take him running with you!"

"...Fine. We can go look, but we're just looking"

The 3 dogs that ended up sitting in their backseat didn't align with that vision, but suddenly Taka didn't seem all that bothered.


Enjoyed listening to his husband hum when he would braid Mondo's hair.


"You know I can do this myself?"

"Then why did you sit down right in front of me and drop a hairbrush and hair ties in my lap?"

"Shut up."

The laughter was loud and abrupt and made Mondo's face go warm. But the slim fingers that moved with practiced ease and hum of a song he couldn't place let him relax.


He loved the quiet life, loved being able to do repairs whenever, using his woodworking skills to make them a perfect little house.

As much as he would've hated to say a couple of years ago, Kiyotaka had really changed him for the better. Sure, he still loved biking and still occasionally got in trouble, he'd really learned to appreciate the smaller things.

He would never get tired of hearing a "Love you!" shouted from the door as it closed.

He would never get tired of screaming it back in the hopes he would hear it.

He didn't know when the idea of getting old stopped scaring him, but the future seemed good.


"Yeah... it's good."

"HAHAHA Mondo, It's more than good! It's our house, it has to be perfect!"

"Well then it's perfect"


The house was small, but it was perfect. Taka had made sure of that, looking and looking until they found something they both loved. Making sure that each and every one of the little wooden gifts Mondo made was proudly on display.

He smiled as he worked, checking the different paints against the wood. This one was going to be the best.

This one was different, it wasn't a simple carving of their dogs or a heart or a pencil holder. This one was special.

This one was of them.

This one was for 10 years.

10 years of learning from their fights and staying by the other.

10 years of laughing together.

10 years of them.

All of that had to come together in this. It was a frame, on one side was Mondo as he looked how, with his hair down and his glasses and on the other Taka, dressed as though he was going to work. His button-ups and neatly ironed pants. An apple in one hand and a ruler in the other.

The drawing alone made him smile, all he could do was not fuck u and hope Taka would like it.

Yeah, the quiet life is odd, but it suited Mondo well.

And nothing made him happier than knowing that.

Well... Maybe the look on his husband's face when he saw the frame.

//First of all, I have part 2 planned. It's from Ishi's POV and uhhhh takes a turn :) I'll probably have it done before next wknd, but you know how awful I am at consistency.

Second, I'm thinking of this as my last hurrah. I'm not super into DR anymore but because I enjoy writing I might update from time to time. But stay tuned for part 2 :D

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