My little one

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(Normal highschool AU btw)

Mondo POV

I was watching a movie with my boyfriend, Taka. He started to act a little weird and started squirming. Suddenly he got up.

"I'm really tired, I'm going to bed," He said stiffly. (a/n I know the dialogue is weird, It's on purpose)I watched as he walked out of my room. That's weird, usually, he at least stays until the end of the movie. I glanced over at the clock. It was only 10, not that late. I looked back over at the door. I sighed as I turned off the movie. Might as well sleep if he's not here.


POV switch (Ishi)

I was slipping, and fast! Fuck, I didn't want Mon to see me like this. I didn't need him to know, as much as I wanted him as a caregiver. He would be perfect! he's already the perfect boyfriend! But what If he thought it was weird? What if he broke up with me for it? What if he hates me? what if he gets mad because I didn't tell him?

I shook my head, now is not the time for that Kiyotaka! I went to my closet where I had a soft onesie hanging. Not too baby-ish that I couldn't excuse it, but soft enough for me to slip. I smiled sleepily grabbing the plushie Mon won for me. He saw Asahina win one for Sakura, not wanting to be one-upped he went and won one for me too. I cuddled it until I fell asleep.

~~~~Next day~~~~

I woke up and got dressed. I could already tell today was going to be a long day. I stifled a yawn as I laced my boots up. I walked out of my room, locking the door as I made my way to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I nodded to Chihiro and Asahina. I waved to the others as I made my way to the back table. I got food for Mon and me, I waited for him as I began to eat.

He walked in a couple of minutes later, stretching. I smiled at him as he walked over.

"Good morning! Have a seat, I brought you some food!" I said, a bit loudly. He sleepily smiled back, "thanks, babe" He took the plate from my hands. We talked as we ate. He's so pretty, has the best eyes.

The bell rang and we walked to class. He kept passing me notes, I try not to encourage him. He's so sweet that it's hard not to though. I blush at the next note he passes.

Are you terms and conditions? Cause whatever you say I'll always agree with you.

I bury my head in my arms, hiding my blush. God, he always knew how to make me smile. I looked over to where he was sitting next to me. He was doodling in his notebook. Tongue poked out a little between his teeth as he scribbled. My heart beat fast at how cute he looked, I turned back to my notes knowing he would be using mine.

~~~~Its lunch~~~~

By the time I put all my notebooks away Mon is already at lunch. I grab the lunch I made that morning and walk to the library. I need to get my homework done, and a bit of quiet will be nice.

I nodded to Togami who was reading in one corner. I got a "tch" in reply. Wow, someone never learned his manners. I noticed Fukawa watching from around the bookshelf but decided I didn't want to deal with that right now.

I found a nice table, got my books and work and started. I was so busy that I barely noticed that lunch was over! Damn, I forgot to eat my lunch. It's ok, I'll eat later.

I grab my stuff and hurry to class. I got there just before the bell and took a seat in front of Mon. Once it was over we walked back to his room. He sat on his bed and motioned for me to do the same. I sat down and looked up at him.

He took in a deep breath "Taka, there's something I need to tell you."

I immediately panicked, what if he found out? what if he was breaking up with me?

"It's something I've been hiding for a while, It's not something I'm proud of."

"I won't judge you," I said looking up at him, what was he talking about? "you know that."

"I know! it's just, you've shown me how much I can trust you. I don't want to keep this secret from you anymore... I- I was the cause of my brother's death"

He goes on to explain what happened. I move closer to him, wrapping my arms around him. He starts to cry and I can feel my own tears welling up. I feel so guilty, Here he is exposing himself and I can't do the same? That's it! I'll tell him now!

"I- I have something to tell you too..."

"wh-what is it?" He asks whipping the tears from his face.

I pull away, holding one of his hands. "I... I'm a little"

He tilts his head, confused. "A 'little'? A little what?"

"no, it's a coping mechanism. It's this thing where my brain regresses in age. So I act like a little kid. Usually a little has a caregiver, someone who watches them when they slip into little space." I cringe, what if he thinks it disgusting?

His face is still confused as he asks "So... Do you want me as your caregiver-thing?"

I blush, He wasn't weirded out! "You-you don't think it's weird? or disgusting?..."

"what? no? like you said it's a coping thing right? it's confusing but I think I kinda get it now"

"and you want to be my daddy?"

"YOU- YOUR WHAT?" his face was bright red.

I looked at him as innocently as possible "that's what male caregivers are usually called. I'm going to be 3, Mon. I'm not going to call you by your name."

"oh, yeah, right! Of course, babe! that makes sense! I'll be your daddy. That sounds weird out loud."

I giggle softly "ok daddy"

<<A/N: Again, like it? let me know! Word count: 1040! Hope you enjoyed>>

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