Maybe... 4

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He heard Mikan and Fujisaki talking outside. His head felt too fuzzy for him to even understand. They're talking about how much they hate you. You wasted their time asshole. Footsteps faded into the silence that covered him entirely. He wanted to sleep but he wasn't tired. He wanted to move but his body felt like lead. Everything was crashing around him. More than anything he wanted to do something. Something productive. He wanted to be useful. Not even worth it. In the end, it won't matter.

Maybe if you didn't waste so much air...

Maybe if you weren't such a prick...

Maybe if you didn't hold yourself like a self-righteous genius...

Maybe they'd like you...

Rolling unto his side he curled up. His leg was hurting- It's what you deserve. The voice never seemed to leave anymore. It used to only come late at night. Only when he was really upset. It used to say it offered the truth. Seeming to shrug and retreat whenever he told it to. Now it seemed to stay in his head. Wrapped around his brain. It was similar to something he had felt when he was younger... Something he didn't have a name for.

Rolling off the bed he looked at the clock. It had been a couple of hours. No one came to check on you, hm? Wow, shocker.

He was hungry. Fucking fatass, Getting up he started off towards the kitchen. Maybe... an apple? Looking down, he grabbed it. Frowning he went over to the cutting board. He cut it in half, should've cut your self too.

Walking out of the room, eating his apple he almost ran into Naegi.

"Oh! Hey Taka! I've been looking for you!"

"Ah, I apologize! I didn't mean to worry you." You really think The ultimate Hope was worried about you?

"Where were you? I missed you in class today?"

"I- ah- Wasn't feeling quite up to standard today. Did I miss anything?" Really? Now you're bothering him even more?

"Um, No not really. Mostly just review, But are you ok? Need anything?"

"Of course! I will be fine tomorrow!"

Walking away from Naegi Taka felt so stupid. Why would he lie like that? He was known for being truthful! Might as well be the ultimate liar. You worthless piece of trash. Can't do anything right can you?

Walking up the stairs to his room he threw the rest of the apple away. He really didn't need it. Or deserve it. He sat down at his desk, opening up a textbook, and started studying. Finally something useful. His eyes refused to stay on the page. He tried but he was so tired. Looking over at his bed he heard the voice snap at him. Are you crazy? Do you want to be a lazy, fat, bitch like Hifumi? No? Then keep working! Prove your worth!

As he turned back to the book in front of him he saw his phone vibrating. His father was calling. Answering he put it to his ear.

"Hello Father"

"Good afternoon Kiyotaka, care to tell me why you were missing school?"

"I was just feeling slightly under the weather."

"Mm. You couldn't attend because you were sick?"

"Y- Yes"

"Never stopped me."

"I know. I-It won't happen again."

"Good. Make me proud."

"I will"

The call ended and Taka slowly lowered his phone. It was an old flip phone. He had never been bothered by it before. He knew his father meant well, He was just trying to get out of debt and was parenting the way he knew how. His mother had passed a few years ago and it didn't help financially or emotionally. His father became a shell. Tired and wasn't able to help with much of anything. He only ate worked and slept.

You aren't helping either. Making him stress about whether you'll be able to help or not. Whether you'll ruin him further.

Maybe if you were a better son...

Maybe if you worked harder...

Maybe if you didn't spend so much on selfish things...

Gripping his hair he felt tears well up and fall. Of course. As though he wasn't already ugly enough he had to do this too. Standing up he headed towards the door. Some water and maybe half a piece of gum could get him through the day. That's a lot of calories. Plus you'll probably eat dinner.

Standing up anyways he made it halfway down the hall before he heard Fujisaki call out to him.

"Ah! Ishi! Are you feeling better?"

"He was prob'ly faked it. Jus' fucked with us. He looks fine don' he?"

"Language Oowada" He's right, isn't he? You shouldn't have made them waste their breath worrying.

"Mondo! You know that isn't true!"

"Fujisaki it's fine. Don't bother wasting your breath. It is not worth it."

"Hah? Ya sayin' I ain't worth your time? Mr. Genius too important to give us the time of day or some shit?"

Taka flinched away at the condescending tone. He's right, your acting like a self-absorbed idiot! Comparing it, The voice seemed strangely similar to Oowada.

"N-no! I-O didn't mean it like that!" He hoped no one could hear the desperate edge to his voice. It felt like he was begging. Anything to get him to stop talking like that.

"Sure ya didn't." The taller man said, rolling his eyes. "An' ya aren't some freak with control issues."

"Mondo! Stop, why are you being so mean?"

He couldn't hear Oowada's reply. The pounding in his head was too loud and he suddenly felt a lot weaker than he had a moment ago. His bones felt weak like they had been turned to glass about to break. He sunk to his knees, he could hardly breathe. His vision went blurry before he fell backward. He heard muffled voices as he blacked out.

Even when you go down you make a scene, huh?

Maybe If you acted better they wouldn't hate you...

Maybe they wouldn't think you were such a prick...

Maybe you should let me take over...

I could get you what you want just trust me.

<<In case you missed it the voice is my take on Ishida. Right now it doesn't have a name. It's still kinda forming, but Ishimaru admires how many friends Mondo has and is subconsciously mimicking him. I hope that makes sense.

Also, Takaaki (Taka's dad) Isn't a bad parent. He tries but his father was shit and he's trying to be better. His wife's death hit him hard and it's difficult for him. He does love Taka though. Make of that what you will.>>

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