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Third Person POV:

The White Widow poured herself a drink of scotch, grasping it in her hand and relishing in the way the swollen face of the innkeeper flinched back, some blood trickling down from her busted lip. The White Widow took a slow drink of the alcohol, the taste lingering on her lips before she swallowed, setting the half full cup on the blood stained bar counter.

"Где она? (Where is she?)" The woman asked.

The innkeeper whimpered when the White Widow took a few steps closer, grabbing her bruised and most likely broken jaw in her hand, "Где Ворон? (Where is the Raven?)"

"Не знаю. Я знаю. Клянусь.(I-I don't know. I swear.)" The innkeeper mumbled hoarsely.

"Твоё дыхание сеет ложь.(Your breath wreaks of lies.)" White Widow whispered, "Я не люблю лжецов, поэтому я дам тебе последний шанс, иначе я положу пулю тебе в глаза».(I don't like liars so I am going to give you one last chance or I'll put a bullet between your eyes.)"

The innkeeper gulped, watching the brown eyes of the woman in front of her start to darken till they were pitch black. The innkeeper couldn't form a response, the words dying on her swollen tongue. The petite blonde scoffed, grabbing her gun from the holster on her hip.

"Пожалуйста! Помилуй! Я не знаю, где Рейвен! Клянусь (Please! Have mercy! I don't know where Raven is! I swear-)"

The White Widow aimed her gun and pulled the trigger, the innkeepers frail body falling to the side, all the life and color draining from her eyes. The woman holstered her gun, grabbing the bottle of scotch and taking a sip, before pouring the drink over the body and the rest of the wooden floor, grabbing the zippo lighter and tossing it in front of her. The orange and red flames erupted instantly, the entire place being consumed in the orange hell while the blonde woman walked out the front door, blending in with the people walking down the roads.

Revna's POV:

"Do you like this one?" I asked Natalia, pointing at a large diamond ring. It was an off white color on a silver band, sparkling nicely under the lights in the jewelry shop.

"It seems big. I'd be content with a ring pop to be honest." Nat hummed, making me laugh as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"We'll keep looking." I told her.

"I don't even need a ring, you know?"

"I know. But you're going to be my wife, the only woman I want to spend my life with. You deserve a ring and so I'm going to get you a ring."
Nat playfully rolled her eyes, "What time is it?"

"Uhh.." I trailed off, pulling my phone from my pocket, "Ten minutes after one."

Nat's eyes widened, "I'm gonna be late!"

I furrowed my eyebrows together, "Where are you going?"

"I have an appointment. I'll see you later tonight, okay?" Nat said, kissing me quickly and I was left dumbfounded.

"I love you!" She called over her shoulder, leaving the shop.

"I love you too." I yelled back.

Natalia's POV:

Carol, Wanda and I walked into the tattoo shop downtown where I had an appointment to get a piece done.

"Welcome to Tattoo Therapy, what can I help you with?" The toned, tatted hipster behind the counter grinned.

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