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"Your name is Yelena Belova! You want to get married and have a few children! You're from Russia and you're not a threat!" I whimpered as the corners of my vision started to fade and blur.

Just as my eyes blurred over, my head slumped down and the pressure on my back was gone. I rolled over, catching my breath as Peter knocked Yelena out, panicking at what he had just done.

"I-it's alright, Peter." I strained, standing to my feet as I rubbed my throat. "I-it's okay."

Peter rushed to me and hugged me tightly and I put my arm around him, patting his back, "go. The civilians need protecting. Take Yelena away from here and keep an eye on her."

The kid nodded and Nat ran over to me while Bucky and Clint were doing everything they could to bring Taskmaster to his knees.

"Are you okay?" I asked Nat as soon as she got to me, seeing her face a little bruised up.

Nat nodded, carefully touching the cut on my cheek, "I'm okay. Are you?"

I nodded, not being able to get a word out when she quickly said, "good. Because I have to tell you something."

Revna's POV:

"I'm pregnant." Natalia blurted out and I froze. My blood ran cold and my head started to spin. My stomach filled with butterflies and had we not been in a fight, I would pick her up and spin her around before kissing her.

"I don't, I don't even know what to say." I stumbled over my words, "I mean I am so happy, but I can't enjoy this moment as much as I want. Baby, you can't be here. You need to be at home where it's safe. I need to know my wife and now my child are safe."

"I am safe here with you. I protect you, you protect me. That's how this works. This is our family, this ends."

"Natalia I-" I started but was cut off as my body stumbled to the ground as I got punched in the jaw. Taskmaster had gone invisible again.

I hissed and blood spurted from my nose as I was kicked across the face. Natalia yelled my name, being punched hard in the cheek before she was knocked to the ground. I rushed over to her but yelped in pain when he cut his sword deep down my chest, leaving a cut through my shirt.

"Show yourself!" I yelled, being beaten and thrown around, blindly swinging my punches to try and hit him. My body was slammed down on the ground and I yelped in pain when my collarbone audibly cracked.

I coughed up some blood, looking at Natalia who lay on the ground with blood running down her nose. Her eyes were low, but they were open. I went to go and crawl towards my wife, screaming out in agony when Taskmaster slammed his sword down into the palm of my hand.

"Fuck you." I growled, finally looking at him without the party tricks.

He pulled his sword out from my hand and I winced, being kicked right in the face hard and my eyes became blurry, looking at my wife while I dazed in and out of consciousness.

"Get up baby." Natalia called, "Please get up."

"N-nat." I strained, coughing some.

"I'm right here, Revna. Come on, get up please. This baby needs both it's moms."

Taskmaster chuckled, "It's cute that you think you're going to get the happy ending. This isn't a fairytale. I'm gonna kill your precious Revna, Natalia. I'm gonna cut off her wings and throw her in a cage."

"Even the caged bird still sings." I growled, grabbing the small knife he had on his calf and stabbed it in his thigh, being knocked backwards as his shield bashed me. Natalia ran and jumped on his shoulders, stabbing widow bites into his shoulders.

Running over towards them, I went to attack when he shook Natalia off and threw her at me. We both fell to the ground with her on top of me.

"Are you okay?" We both asked one another at the same time, smiling and nodding at the other.

Both of us charged Taskmaster, and I went to punch him but instead I punched his shield. So I punched him with my metal arm and his body staggered towards Natalia and she knocked his shield out of his hand, spinning and kicking him in the face. I grabbed his head and smashed it down on my knee, the glass of his eye slots breaking to reveal one caramel brown eye.

Taskmaster growled and grabbed my leg and knocked me off balance as he slammed me to the ground, all of the air leaving my lungs as I struggled to breathe. My anxiety spiked the longer I couldn't breathe. My ears were ringing, the sun that was beating down on me now covered by the form of Bucky who held his hand out for me. I took it graciously and he pulled me to my feet. Bucky looked beaten and well worn out, but the fire in his eyes never dimmed.

"You look like shit." He commented.

"Thanks." I huffed, watching Nat advance on Taskmaster but it was like he just copied her every move. It was like looking in a mirror as he used her moves against her, knocking her to the ground harshly.

My heart skipped a few beats as Clint started battling Taskmaster and Bucky joined him while I ran over towards my wife.

"Baby, hey it's okay. You're going to be okay." I sniffled, cradling her head in my arms, "We're gonna get you out of here."

"N-no Revna. I don't want to leave without you." Nat whimpered.

"You're gonna have to. I don't want something worse to happen to you."

Nat shook her head, "And who is going to help you fight?"

"I am."

I looked up, my eyes widening when Yelena stood there with a small smile on her face, "I'll help you fight."

"Nice to have you back, for now at least." I said, not knowing if she had any trigger words like I did that could set her off.

"Thanks for hitting me really hard." The blonde said.

I nodded, kissing Nat's temple as Yelena rushed into the fight, "Clint, Peter! I need you guys to take Nat to the hospital. I'll be there as soon as I finish this."

Clint and Peter nodded, Clint carrying Nat as they both rushed off.

Now it was time to end this. It was time to open the bird cage and sing the songs of war and dance the steps of death...




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