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Revna's POV:

I laughed loudly as I ran around the yard, both of the dogs chasing me as Natalia watched from the front porch with the kitten, the little fur ball basking in the sunlight. Today Clint, Bucky, Peter, Thor, Sam and even Nick, were all throwing me a bachelorette party while Wanda and Carol were throwing Nat a bachelorette party. I was pretty nervous, only really ever hanging out with Bucky, Peter and Clint. Even Natalia was surprised that Nick was joining us.

I made my way up to the front porch and bent down, scratching Oreo behind the ear before kissing Natalia on the lips slowly and tenderly. No matter what I would never get tired of kissing her.

"Did you have fun?" The ginger giggled.

I hummed, sitting down next to her, "I did. Enjoy the show?" I raised my eyebrows up and down and Nat started laughing, playfully rolling her eyes.

"You're such a goofball. Here, you're probably thirsty." My fiance said handing me her ice tea.

"Thank you baby." I grabbed the drink and took a few sips, the cool drink soothing my dry throat.

"Do you know what time the guys are coming?"

I shrugged, "I don't. Looks like tonight is just going to be full of surprises."

As if on cue, Clint came walking through the yard with a prominent smirk on his face and I knew that I was going to be in for a very long night.

"Hey guys. Revna." Clint smirked looking at me, "I got you some wine as a gift. And if you like it, got some more at the house I can give you. Laura won't be drinking it anymore."

"Why-" I started and then the realization dawned on both of us, only confirming our suspicions when Clint smiled big.

"Congrats!" Nat grinned, jumping up and hugging the archer.

"Congrats, Clint." I smiled, givinging him a hug. I couldn't wait to meet their little baby when Laura pops, they had such a cute and wonderful family and I knew Nat and I couldn't wait to have the same.

It wasn't more than ten minutes later when the rest of the guys, and Carol and Wanda showed up to the house.

"You ready to have some fun?" Bucky smirked at me.

"Remember, no strippers." Nat gave Bucky and I pointed look, "You have an underage child with you."

I rubbed her arms up and down, "I promise no strippers, baby. And I promise Peter will drink nothing but juice boxes."

"I love juice." Peter commented, laughing when the german shepherd licked his face a few times.

"Better not be any strippers. You're partying with your father in law." Nick gave me a slight glare with his eye and I gulped a little.

Natalia and Fury had a special bond. I know they both cared deeply for each other and considered each other as family. As far as I knew, Fury didn't have kids so he considered Natalia his daughter and she considered him a father. I didn't want to do anything to piss him off or cloud his judgement of me. I was more than thankful for Nick.

"I love you." Natalia told me, kissing me softly.

"I love you too." I sighed blissfully.

"Alright love birds." Carol laughed, "Have fun."

Natalia and I were pulled in separate directions as we all piled in two separate vehicles. Nick, Clint, Bucky and I were all in one car and Sam, Thor and Peter were all in the other. Clint was the one driving as he drove us to the location. Once we got there, there was a giddy smirk on Clint and Bucky's lips and I realized this was a paintballing place.

"I'm gonna kick your ass." Bucky grinned, nudging me.

I laughed, "We'll see soldier."

We all got geared up and split up into teams. On my team I had Peter and Sam. On Bucks team he had Clint and Thor and Nick wanted to be on a team all by himself because he was confident enough that he was going to win.

I ran and ducked behind a wall, peaking around the corner and shot off the pink paintballs at Clint, hitting him on his shoulder.

"Fuck you!" Clint yelled and I cackled, running and hiding as Clint walked off the field. I went to go and peak upwards and through the small window, when a yellow paintball splashed near my head and I ducked down. I waited a few moments and peaked around the corner, being spotted by Fury as he ran after me, shooting paintballs as I dodged them.

I jumped over an obstacle and almost lost my footing from turning the corner as fast as I did, bumping into Thor and grabbing his arm, pulling him in front of me like a shield just as Fury shot yellow paintballs at him. I pointed my gun at Fury and shot off a few of the pink paintballs at him, both him and Thor out of the game.

"Motherfucker!" Fury laughed while he and Thor walked off the field. Somewhere I heard Peter let out a dramatic cry and I knew it was just Bucky and I left now.

"Come on out, Buck! You know it's over!" I yelled, looking around to try and spot him.

"I wouldn't be too sure." Bucky said and I turned around, seeing him standing behind me with a smirk, "Drop the gun, Revna."

I smirked, "If you insist."

I dropped the gun and quickly dropped to the ground and caught it, aiming it at him and shooting off a few pink paintballs as he shot off some red ones. We both hit the other one, paint splattering against the chest piece that they gave us to wear for protection. Bucky fell to his knees being dramatic and I swear somewhere intense orchestra music was playing. It was a draw.

We all started laughing as the rest of the team rushed out into the arena as we all dog piled, except for Nick who was giving me a soft smile and I knew he would deny it if anyone asked if he was smiling.

"Who wants to go and get drunk? I have Asgardian Ale!" Thor announced with a grin.

I looked at everyone, seeing the same exact facial expression on their face. Oh yeah, tonight just got better.

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