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Revna's POV:

"Stop scarfing down the chips!" Nat huffed, taking the half eaten bag of potatoe chips away from me.

I frowned, "I'm sorry! I'm just nervous, okay! We're making a seating chart and we have guests that can turn green and can make objects float through the air. Not to mention, you told me that you wanted your family there!"

"Melina and Alexei are good people. We're not blood related but they have been an important part in my life."

"I know that.. now. I'm just- my palm is getting all sweaty thinking about having to meet them. What if they don't approve?"

Nat grabbed my hand and gave it a soft squeeze of reassurance, "they'll love you. I've already told them how much you make me happy and they want to meet you. Alexei is a tough guy on the outside, but super nice and soft on the inside. If you make him laugh he loves you. Melina could go either way, but I know no matter what she'll love you in the end."

I nodded my head, grabbing the bag of chips from her and stuffing a few in my mouth, "you know what I was thinking?"


"We should have red roses and sunflower arrangements because the red will make your green eyes pop. And your eyes are so beautiful." I told her. Last night was an emotional rollercoaster for the both of us. I stayed home, sitting on the bed with my half packed bag next to me. Natalia came home now more than an hour later and immediately fell into my lap.

We both held each other, crying into each other's necks as we made up. I agreed to let her fight with me, knowing I was probably never going to stop her anyway. I was going to make sure to keep an eye on her while the fight ensued. After that we fell asleep in each other's arms, the calming noise of crickets chirping outside our window.

"I was also thinking about us getting married in Wakanda. And then maybe we could honeymoon in Paris? Or we could honeymoon someplace else, but I think you and I could really fuck the streets of Paris up. Plus who doesn't want to fuck in Paris?" I babbled on, watching a ear to ear grin pull up Natalia's lips.

"That sounds amazing." She sighed dreamily, "I'll ask T'Challa if that's okay, which I'm sure he wouldn't care, but Wakanda sounds perfect." Nat grinned, resting her head on my shoulder.

I hummed, "And maybe he could help figure out a way for us to have children. Without a sperm donor. It's worth a shot at least."

Nat grabbed my metal hand and started playing with my fingers, "I can't wait to have children with you. I can't wait till we can bring little Selene and Ivan into the world."

I grinned, feeling giddy already at the thought of raising children with the love of my life, "I can't wait either. I hope they look like you, mops of red hair. I definitely hope they have your eyes."

Nat grinned and adjusted herself so she was sitting in my lap, her hands threading into my hair as she played with the baby hairs on the back of my neck.

"I love you. So much. I love you more than love." Natalia mumbled softly.

I smiled at her, putting my hands on her inner thighs while I leaned in and kissed her softly, "if I had to go through all that pain and suffering again just to call you mine, I would."

"And I'd be right by your side. You wouldn't go through it alone."

I leaned forward and pressed a deeper kiss to her lips, rubbing her inner thighs as we softly made out on the couch. Natalia licked my bottom lip and I gave her access, our tongues clashing together as we continued to make out. When her hips started bucking forward into mine, I pulled back and we both gasped for air.

"I hate this no sex rule." Natalia groaned under her breath and stuffed her face in the crook of my shoulder.

I giggled and rubbed her back, us just sitting in silence while the sun streamed in through the living room window. It was peaceful, moments like this with Natalia. Riley came over after yawning, leaning his giant head on my thigh, while Lilypad came trotting over and tried to jump on the couch.

Nat and I both giggled before she scooped the pup up in her arms and Lilypad licked her face happily, making Nat laugh harder. We both got up and Nat still had the pup held like a baby. I grabbed a tennis ball and a frisbee and Riley wagged his tail happily following me outside.

The ginger set down the puppy and I threw the tennis ball far into the yard, Riley and Lilypad taking off after it. The sun felt nice upon my skin while Natalia and I sat in the grass, playing fetch with the dogs while sipping on some sweet tea.

My phone started ringing in my back pocket and I threw the ball for the dogs once Riley had brought it back, pulling my phone out and not recognizing the number. My heart started beating a little faster as the anxiety crept up behind me. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach and I didn't like it. Clicking the button I put the phone up to my ear.


"Hello this is Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital calling. Is this Revna Liv?"

My throat dried instantly and I faintly heard Nat ask who it was.

"This is." I said.

"Revna we're calling because you're the only person listed under James' emergency contact."

"What happened? Is he okay?"

"We're sorry to inform you but he's been in a really bad accident. The doctors are taking a look so I don't have any updates for you."

"I'm on my way." I breathed, a lump stuck in the back of my throat as I shot up and ended the call.

"Is everything okay?" Natalia asked worriedly.

I shook my head, "It's Bucky. He's in the hospital."

a/n: apologies for how short this chapter was. things are starting to heat up a little more with Yelena, but don't worry it's gonna be big when it all goes down. I hope you're enjoying this book and the series as a whole! have a good day or night my loves 💖

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