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Revna's POV:

A month later

We were back in Wakanda, having arrived late last night. TChalla and Shuri were going to help Natalia and I have a baby and said that they had a procedure they wanted to talk to us about. They both seemed really excited and naturally so were Nat and I.

I kissed Natalia's shoulder and the woman stirred awake, turning over some and resting her palm on my cheek.

"Good morning, baby." I mumbled softly, kissing down her shoulder.

Nat hummed, "Morning. I'm still sleepy."

I chuckled lowly, kissing her lips when she jutted her bottom lip out into a pout, "Why don't I go and grab us some breakfast and you can sleep a little longer?"

Nat grinned, "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll try not to be long." I said, slowly untangling my arms from her and she let out a small whine of disappointment leaving her throat while I stood and began getting dressed.

"Please. I'll be cold until you get back." The ginger said, pulling the blanket up over her nose so only her sea green eyes were gazing at me.

My lips curled up into a smile as I rummaged through my bag and pulled out one of the sweatshirts I had brought, tossing it towards her and she let out an evil giggle.

"Mine now."

I playfully rolled my eyes before finishing up getting ready and kissed nat once more before leaving our room. I wandered my way around, finding the dining hall and seeing a buffet of food cooked fresh and laid out. I grabbed a plate and began setting some fruit inside a small bowl, setting the bowl on the plate.

"Morning Revna." TChalla smiled, "Are you excited for today?"

I nodded, a grin on my face at the thought of having a little family with Natalia, "I am. I hope this works out for her. I don't want to see that broken look on her face again."

TChalla smiled solemnly at me before nudging me, "Have faith. I think your confidence in me will spike once you hear what my sister and I have to say. Once breakfast is over, find me in the lab. I want to get some blood work and do a few tests before we talk just to make sure everything looks good."

I nodded, smiling warmly at the king, "I will. Thank you again."

Once I was done filling my wife's plate, I made it back to our room and smiled at Nat when she peeked her eyes open. Under the covers I could see her move her feet up and down in excitement and it made me laugh under my breath.

Natalia sat up and I sat on the edge of the bed, handing her the plate and she kissed my cheek, "Thank you, baby."

I hummed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as I leaned back on my hands, "I wasn't sure what you wanted so I just got you a little bit of everything."

"You didn't want anything?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows as she took a bite of the toasted bagel.

"I'm not all that hungry." I shrugged.

Natalia gave me a 'really' look before holding her bagel up to my mouth and when I didn't take a bite, she raised her eyebrow. With a huff, I took a bite of the food and she smiled happily, taking another bite herself.

"After breakfast TChalla wanted us to go see him in the lab to do a few tests on our blood to make sure everything is all good."

"Okay, gives us time to shower together." The firebrand winked.


"So, I guess this means we should think about how we want the nursery to look like." I breathed, watching the trees sway in the wind while the sunlight peeked through the branches like cracks in the skies armor.

My wife hummed, shifting a little closer to me, "Got you covered. I've been saving a lot of things to my Pinterest board."

I couldn't help but laugh at what she said, "You're such a mom."

Nat giggled, smacking me in the arm, "Shut up. There's some cute ideas."

"I'm sure." I sighed, taking in a deep breath of air, "I can't wait to parent alongside you, raising our kids together. I hope things work out for us."

She leaned towards me and tilted my face towards hers, "I hope so too. I can't wait to raise kids with you. I wouldn't want anyone else by my side."

I smiled warmly at her, leaning forward enough to close the gap between us and connect our lips for a sweet kiss.

"Come on, we should go see if TChalla is ready for us again."


"A bone marrow transplant. We take Revna's bone marrow and infuse the DNA with Natasha's eggs. Your blood and DNA are compatible, meaning that Natasha's body won't reject the fetus and cause problems." TChalla explained.


"Painful." I said while Nat said "Cool!"

"It was my idea." Shuri said strutting into the room as she nudged her brother.

I smiled at their sibling banter, looking down when I felt Natalia intertwine her hand within my own. I squeezed her hand and didn't even have to look to know that she was smiling brightly.

"So what do you guys think?" Shuri asked.

Nat and I looked at each other, having a conversation with our eyes.

"Let's do it." My wife beamed, squeezing my hand even tighter.

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