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Revna's POV:

The bell of the door rang as Bucky pushed the door open and then held it open for me, the delicious scent of fresh coffee beans hitting us full on. Bucky and I ran down the sidewalk, weaving between the few people that were out as we acted like children. Eventually we stopped, out of breath before deciding to grab some food and a warm drink.

"What do you want?" Bucky asked and I looked over the menu on the chalkboard, nothing really popping out that I wanted to try. With a shrug I replied, "I'll just get whatever you have."

Bucky nodded and turned to the woman behind the counter as he placed our orders. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing my beaten up face staring back at me on the black screen before unlocking my device. Navigating to my contacts, I pulled up Nat's and pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear.

After a few rings I heard her let out a sultry, "hey baby."

A love struck grin was already curling back my lips as I giggled under my breath, "hey, red."

Nat let out a happy hum and I could already see her smiling, "everything okay? you're not in jail are you and you're using you're only phone call. which thank you for calling me and not listening to Bucky if he told you to order pizza."

"I'm not in jail. We did get into a bad fight though." I laughed, "Bucky and I are getting some coffee downtown."

Natalia sighed in relief and I had to laugh a little at that, "how dare they ruin your sexy face."

"I thought you liked the scars."

"I do. You okay?"

I hummed, sensing her worry, "I'm okay. Are you okay?"

Nat hummed, "I'm okay. When are you coming home? I miss you and want to cuddle. We can watch a movie."

I shifted my weight as I looked down at my shoes, "I was actually wondering if it was okay if I stayed the night at Buckys. He finally got furniture in his apartment."

"Oh.." Nat trailed off, the hint of disappointment in her voice before she cleared her throat and perked up a little, "that's fine baby. I'll just call and see if the girls want to come over. Carol can't stop talking about how she wants to get me drunk at my bachelorette party."

"I fully support this idea." I chuckled, "You're a hoot."

"A hoot?" Nat laughed through the speaker and my heart fluttered at the sound, "You've been spending too much time with Bucky."

I laughed, watching Bucky grab the drinks and food after paying for them, handing me my drink and we left the establishment.

"Maybe. I love you." I told her, taking a sip of my coffee and my tastebuds came to life at the hazelnut blend.

The ginger sighed happily over the phone, "I love you too. Tell Bucky I said hello and try to stay out of trouble. I really don't want to bail you out of jail."

"Copy that, Agent Romanoff." I smirked, dropping my voice down a few octaves and I heard her shudder over the phone.

"This is going to be so hard to not have sex with you." She mumbled, "I hate waiting."

"But imagine how good it'll be when it happens." I teased.

"You're right. Okay baby, I love you."

"I love you too."

We both said our goodbyes and I ended the call, locking my phone and stuffing it back in my pocket.

"She give the okay?" Bucky asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

I nodded, "she did. She also said that she thinks if you and I went to jail, you would use the last phone call to order pizza and I wouldn't stop you."

Bucky laughed, "Damn that woman. I probably would. I wouldn't have anyone to call except you. And you'd be right there with me so."

I laughed, deciding not to ask how things were going with Steve. Last I knew Bucky wanted to try and reconcile and be friends again after so long, but he said Steve seemed to be a changed man, especially the way he's been about Natalia and I's Relationship.

By the time we got to his apartment, our coffees were half way gone. We trekked up the stairs and he fished the keys out of his pocket, unlocking it and pushing the door open. I wiped my shoes off on the mat before taking them off.

"So, what do you think?" He asked, walking further into the cozy little apartment.

I looked around, admiring all his furniture. A sense of pride swelled inside of me because bucky did this.

"Looks amazing." I told him, "definitely a step up from the air mattress."

Bucky laughed and nodded his head, plopping down on the couch and I did the same, grabbing my food out of the bag.

"Do you want a plate?" Bucky asked.

"You have dishes now?!"

Bucky laughed again and nodded, going into the kitchen and getting two plates, handing me mine and I thanked him.

"So how's the wedding planning coming?" Bucky asked.

I shrugged, "Natalia has good ideas."

"And what about you?"

"I like them." I replied, shrugging again.

"So you're just agreeing with everything she says?"

"Yes?" I asked.

Bucky shook his head, "Revna, she wants to have the experience of her planning a wedding with her fiancé. If she wanted someone to agree with all of her ideas she would have asked Carol or Wanda. She wants to hear your ideas so then you both can talk about which one you want and come to a decision."

"But I don't have any ideas, Buck. I never thought I would get married." I expressed, "I want her to be happy and have the dream wedding she wants."

"All she cares about is getting married to you. When she asks you to choose between two things, or who should sit where in the seat chart or whatever things go into planning a wedding, just give her your honest answer. Because you know she'll give you hers."

"Well, I think we should have red roses with sunflowers because the red would bring out her eyes. And I really love her eyes." I mumbled.

Bucky grinned, "tell her that. I know you want to get married to her and you're excited, but she wants to know you're excited as much as her."

"I'm just worried is all." I sighed.


"Yelena. She's alive. I don't know where she is but she's alive. Natalia doesn't know. I have files from S.H.I.E.L.D, they're helping me find her."

"Shit." Bucky commented, taking a few bites of his food.

I nodded, taking a few bites of mine before chewing and swallowing, "she's one of taskmasters puppets. he's gonna use her to kill me. probably even Natalia, and whoever else gets in the way."

"You made him bleed didn't you? When you were in redroom?"

I nodded, "and now I'm gonna kill him."

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