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Revna's POV:


I paced around the room that I was in, the nerves turning into jitters and they got the best of me. I was getting married today. I was getting married to my best friend, my soulmate, the love of my life. I couldn't fathom that I had gotten this far, that this pipe dream was now becoming a reality. I didn't even think I was going to live to see Natalia again, let alone get married to the firebrand.

The door to the room I was in opened and my best friend walked in looking very dapper in his all black suit, straightening his bow tie.

"You're not getting cold feet are you?" He asked, "Because I left the jet running in case you wanted to make a quick escape."

I cracked a large smile and shook my head, tears welling in my eyes, "It's finally happening, Buck. She's gonna be my wife."

Bucky smiled, pushing a strand of hair out of my eyes, "She was always your wife, this just makes it official. You look beautiful by the way."

"You clean up rather nicely. You know last time we dressed up like this, it was because we were going to kill somebody. Now we're just up to celebrate."

"Hey, his death was something to celebrate. It was the death of the Raven. This is the birth of Revna Liv and her lover. This is the birth of happiness." He said, pulling me into a tight hug.

I sighed into him before pulling back and fixing his crooked bow tie, "How's my girl?"

"Excited, nervous. She looks beautiful."

I hummed, "Then I shouldn't keep her waiting."


I stood at the altar, the set up was absolutely stunning and I couldn't have asked for anything better than this. There were flowers hung up behind me, the sunflower and rose combination like I had wanted and instead of benches for seats, they were tree trunks with the bark stripped from them. Down the aisle rose petals were spread and I grinned cutely when Clint and Laura's daughter, Lila, walked down the aisle throwing even more rose petals while the music started.

I stood up a little straighter once the drums and some string instruments began playing slowly, and I was brought to my knees when I caught a glimpse of my wife being escorted down the aisle by Nick. Tears welled in my eyes at how effortlessly beautiful she looked. Her hair flowed down her back loosely in a complicated braid and the dress she wore, it made her look like an angel. The closer they got, I could tell that Natalia was also crying and I couldn't wait till she was standing in front of me. When she was finally in front of me, it was like the world slowed down and she had this golden glow around her. She really was my light at the end of the tunnel and I was never going to let that light go out.

"You promise to take care of her?" Nick asked.

I nodded, "Until my last breath, sir."

"Then she's yours. Congratulations." Nick smiled at me and handed Natalia over to me.

I pulled her up onto the altar with me, taking her hands in my own, "You look stunning baby."

Nat let out a watery laugh, "So do you. God I could kiss you right now."

I laughed, cupping her cheeks and wiping away her salty tears with the pad of my thumb. Natalia closed her eyes and leaned into my touch and when she opened them again, my breath was stolen from me. I would never get tired of looking at her. This was the face I wanted to wake up to for the rest of my life. Natalia and I gazed into one another's eyes while TChalla smiled at both of us and the ceremony was in full swing.

"Friends, family, wakandans, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Natasha Romanoff and Revna Liv in marriage. Even when they were apart, they still held love for each other in their hearts. I think I speak for everyone when I say that these two are the clear picture of what's meant to be, will be. I am honored to be able to wed these two as they decide to spend the rest of their lives together as wife and wife." The king smiled warmly at us and Nat grinned wider.

After he said a few more words, it was time for the both of us to say our vows.

"Love was a game meant for children, or so we had been taught. But standing here with you, my heart swollen in my chest from all the love I have for you, I'm glad I played the game. I wouldn't change a thing baby. No matter what I am right where I want to be. If the world was ending I wouldn't want to be with anyone else. I love you with everything in me. I promise to always cherish you and take care of you. You're my equal."

Natalia sniffled and squeezed my hands, "All I had known was the red room. I had never known anything real. Until you. You captured my attention from day one. I started to feel like I was losing myself, slipping into the palm of Satan himself. But you taught me things, cared about me and I just lost myself in you. We both grew and pushed the other one to be better. I couldn't picture marrying anyone else. I couldn't imagine loving anyone else. You're it for me, Revna. You're all my heart knows. You made a home in my heart and you live there rent free. You're my equal."

TChalla grinned before turning to me, "Do you Revna Liv, accept Natasha Romanoff as your lifemate and one true love, promising to share in all that life offers and suffers, to be there for her in times of plenty, as well as times of need, to soothe her in times of pain and to support her in all endeavors, big and small, for as long as you both shall live?"

I nodded, a smile on my face as I slipped Natalia's ring on, "I do."

The king then turned to Natalia and repeated the words. Nat nodded and slipped my ring on my finger, "I do."

"Then I pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I cupped Natalias cheeks, rubbing my thumbs against her cheeks as we closed the gap between us. Everything around us faded into the background as we became lost in the taste and feel of the other. This kiss was like no other. It was the first one we shared as wife and wife. It was incredible. We both pulled away when air started getting low, our lips making a small smack sound.

"I love you, my wife." Natalia mumbled against my lips.

I pecked her lips softly once more, "I love you too, my wife."

The ginger giggled before we both turned to our friends and family who cheered and hollered as we walked down the aisle hand in hand.

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