Chapter 78 "Warehouse"

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Danny arrived home after half an hour and flopped on Peter's bed. He hugged the pillow as tight as he can; the watch came to view around his wrist and felt cold from seeing it by remembering his argument with Peter.

Danny, why did Peter had to get worked up from helping Ava? I won't die from this so why should he even overreact? I guess he cares about me? But...doesn't he care about Ava?

After a second of silence he looks at his hand and tightens his fist.

Danny, right...the chi. I need to summon it so I can form my fist again and help Ava. Can my fist even bring a living being back from the dead? I never heard of that before but I also haven't heard of an iron fist managing to contact a god...maybe it could work. If not then...I might have to get another earful from Ava and she'll ignore me forever.

He sat back up and straightened his back to get into his crosss legged sitting posture; face full of determination.

Danny, okay Danny! I can do it! I just need to meditate like always and get my chi back then form my fist, and start practicing my healing techniques. Sounds an easy plan to go through and I did this thousands of times. How hard can it be?

It was hard for him to sit still for even a minute. He gave up after a few minutes by just covering himself with the blankets.

Danny, why am I having trouble with this? I would always manage to do it while growing up and now I'm barely sitting still. Have I not been sleeping or eating well?

He heard the door loudly knock from downstairs. Danny sat up in short surprise and felt cold until he heard Ward calling out from outside the window. He could only roll his eyes and let out a breath of relief as he crawled out of bed.

Ward stood in front of the door impatiently waiting for Danny. Just as he was close to throwing a rock at a window, the door opened revealing Danny wrapped in a blanket like a burrito.

Ward:Danny, about time you came down

Danny:What is it Ward?

Ward:I heard from Mrs.Parker about your friend being hospitalized...I came to check up on you

Danny:...where's Joy?

Ward:Taking care of her dog, she's been showering her dog with gifts from yesterday

Danny:And you?

Ward:I might have...gave her dog a few gifts too but...I'm not here because of that. How are you feeling?

Danny:What do you think? My friend got shot and nearly died last night, her family didn't survive except her sister. She quit the team and SHIELD, and is now persistent on destroying her necklace that gave her her powers
*he spoke while walking towards the couch with a bitter tone*

Ward followed behind him and closed the door. He watches Danny sit on the couch with a deep breath.

Ward:Right uh, how does that make you feel?

Danny:Should I even say how I feel? It's obvious...

Ward:I can see that this was horrible news for you to have heard along with your friends but, maybe you should cool down a bit

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