Chapter 40 "No One Can Tell You What's Right or Wrong"

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Ava and Luke had peaked their heads out from the corner as they see a lone metal door in an empty hallway

Ava:Wow it's empty, this was easier than I thought*she walked out of the corner as she walks towards the door with Luke following behind her. She grabs the handle and turns it but the door refuses to budge, she looks over to Luke then she stood a few steps back allowing Luke to kick the door down and break it's screws and land flat to the floor. Luke allowed Ava to walk in first then he followed behind her, they look around the huge walls of weapons from around the room and normal warrior armor in the center of the room*Do you want a weapon Luke?*she asked as she sees a huge hammer like weapon in the corner of the room*

Luke:No thanks, I want to punch Master Khan with my own hands

Ava:Sure, if you can get him away from his little ninja puppy and the tiger powered by my own amulet*she then walked over to the center of the room towards the armory and looks around*

Luke:You know, maybe I will get it, just for good luck*he walked to the corner of the room and grabs the handle of the huge hammer and places it over his shoulder as he holds the end of the handle and walks towards Ava*Have you found something yet?

Ava:Don't rush me Luke, they don't have girl body armor in here since supposedly it's weird for a girl to learn how to fight

Luke:I don't get it either but clearly it must be the law here

Ava:It still shocks me that they have laws, can you be on the lookout in case someone passes by?

Luke:Yeah...*he walks over to the entrance and he leans against the wall beside the open door as he had the hammer over his shoulder. Ava grabs a silver chest armor with shoulder pads, she cringed at the sight of the huge armor then she placed it back and she decided to grab a gold bow and a gold leather arrow bag with pack of arrows. She places the leather bag over her arms with the bow under her arm and walks out of the room and stood beside Luke*You didn't pick armor?

Ava:They were either too big or small for me around the chest area, but a weapon is fine for me*they stood in position as they see the jade tiger heading towards them from down the hallway, Ava grabs an arrow from her back and put it in position with her bow aiming at the tiger. They raises their eyebrows as they see the tiger stretch their arms out as they yawned and continues to walk towards them as Ava lowered her bow and arrow*Why isn't it attacking us?

Luke:It must be a trap right?*the tiger had circled around Ava and its tail had wrapped around Ava's leg*

Ava:Clearly it must be...*she see a glowing green gem placed on the tiger's forehead, along with two green other glowing gems on each of the tiger's front feet*What's that gem on your forehead?*she reaches her hand towards the gem but only gotten growled by the tiger causing her to pull her hand back*

Luke:Feisty isn't it?

Ava:Can you be able to remove it?

Luke:Fine...*he reaches his hand towards the forehead of the cat attempting to grab the gem but the tiger growled at him and had bit his hand*Ow!*he quickly snatches his hand away as he sees a small cut of blood on his wrist*

Ava:Luke you literally have unbreakable skin, how can something that's not alive bite you?

Luke:No clue, it is powered by your amulet and your amulet was from a statue here in K'un L'un so anything is possible, but it's probably best if we leave it alone for now...

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