Chapter 88 "Stay"

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"Are you sure this will be a good choice for Ava?"

Aunt May asked with a cold tone as she sat straight on the chair beside Awilda's bed. Awilda remained unmoved with Aunt May's stoic tone as she had her brows low and slightly furrowed.

Awilda: It's the only healthy choice that we have agreed on. Starting today, you are her guardian now

Aunt May: Ava needs her sister. You two managed to survive through a brutal break-in and should support each other

Awilda: She doesn't need me. I have to do my job by watching over my children first so they won't get hurt

Aunt May: Shouldn't you worry about your only sister first? Ava is hurt and still mourning and she needs her sister to know that she is cared for

Awilda remained unfazed and calmly spoke.

Awilda: It is not my problem anymore. I'm leaving her in your care...I can't handle her anymore

A vein had popped out from Aunt May's calm demeanor and had furrowed her brows tightly. She was about to argue back for how irresponsible Awilda was behaving like an adult and sister but the door opened. They both looked towards the direction of the door and Aunt May cooled down when Angela was in the door frame, still holding the doorknob with her small hand as she wore a coat. Rey and Marisol were peeking out from behind their sister as they wore matching black gloves.

*Angela asked softly, feeling nervous from the tension between her mom and Aunt May. Awilda formed a smile when she first saw the three lost kids staring at her with their watery eyes*

Awilda:Niñ managed to visit me

Her tone was warm that caused the kids to instantly smile and run into the room with their arms out. Aunt May was standing up from the chair and placing her bag over her shoulder and watches the kids rush past her to the bed. Aunt May sadly watches the kids talk to Awilda about why she took so long to wake up and of how scared they were, Awilda just seemed to warmly smile at them as she pats their heads as she reassured them. Aunt May lowers her eyes and walks to the opened door but stops when Awilda's husband rushes in as he called for the kids, he looked extremely stressed with a large bag of clothes and food for Awilda after receiving the call.

"Awilda! ¿Estas bien?"

He asked in full panic as he rushes past Aunt May. Awilda assured him that she was fine and should be able to leave in a day or two with her smile widening. Aunt May sadly watches and felt her hands beginning to shake before she clutches her fists. She was finally about to leave but was stopped again by Awilda's husband talking towards her"

"Gracias por visitar Ava, Espero que la cuides bien"
(Thank you for visiting Ava, I hope you'll take care of her well)

Aunt May was silent and a bit shocked. Awilda's husband had a small smile with the face of gratitude, unlike Awilda whose smile had faded away when she saw her. Aunt May just ignored Awilda and forced a small smile on Awilda's kind husband.

Aunt May:I'll take care of my daughter

Awilda seemed to have an odd expression on her face with her eyebrows slightly raised to her words. She nearly felt like Aunt May was taunting her, which wasn't on purpose on Aunt May's part. Aunt May had left the room and closed the door until her smile disappears, she frees a small sigh from her mouth and enters Ava's room next door. Ava was asleep from the exhaustion of crying for hours. Sam and Luke were in the waiting room repeatedly calling the phone from home to wake Peter up, even calling Peter through their communicators. Aunt May sat on the chair near Ava's bed and silently watches over the heart machine. Aunt May grabs Ava's cold hand to warm it up, she felt a clog in her throat that sounded cracked and shaky when she spoke.

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