Chapter 58 "Cold"

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The couple were slow dancing along with the other couples who wouldn't give much mind to them and wouldn't be able to see them by the dim lighting, but the team could clearly see them bright as day. MJ had waved at Peter causing him to turn away red faced and looks at Danny as he notices him staring at him looking fascinated and lost to his face then Peter tightly grips Danny's shoulder where his hand was placed making Danny blink and smile to him.

Danny:What's wrong?

Peter:Why were you staring at me? Am I that attractive?


Peter:Oh shut up...
*he tightened his grip on Danny's shoulder some more*

Danny:You don't mind this right?

Peter:I don't, how many times do I have to tell you?

Danny:I'm not forcing you for what I said the other night right? You know that I act immature whenever I'm drunk...

Peter:And you're painfully honest, so don't drink anymore you dumb idiot
*he said as he lightly smacks Danny's head then he spoke again in realization*
What did you and Ward talk about?

Danny:...about Janet

Peter:Your assistant? Why?

Danny:...I'll explain at home, it involves SHIELD...
*he whispered into Peter's ear so the other students wouldn't overhear, then Peter nodded in response as his ears were red from his low voice and hot breath, Danny backed away with a normal smile as Peter glared and turns away*

Peter:Have you danced with anyone before? You look like you've done this before...

Danny:What, you jealous?

Peter:Answer the dumb question

Danny:I just learned's a bit embarrassing to say

Peter:Did Sam and Luke teach you?

Danny:...yeah, I mostly just watched as Sam and Luke were having their moment

Peter:Pfft! I can only imagine how that went due to their height differences
*he spoke with a laugh as Danny smiled softly*

Danny:I did felt a bit pressured since MJ was kind of tempting me to learn how to dance since you know to dance

Peter:MJ said that?

Danny:She said that you're a good dancer

Peter:Ahh uhm...that's not very true, I don't really know how to slow dance like right now

Danny:But you're doing great

Peter:The kind of dancing MJ was talking about was...ballet

Danny:...huh?'s weird right?
*he spoke shyly and embarrassed as he kept looking down, then he looks back at Danny as he began speaking as his face was lit up with fascination*

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