Part 87 "Loss"

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Miranda's and Sparrow's hands met in a palm strike, Miranda notices the tree from the distance moving slightly that panic rose. She was paying attention when Sparrow had swung her leg against her neck and pushed her to the ground, making Miranda pass out. Sparrow caught her breath and ran towards the direction where the disaster was at. She stopped once she saw Davos being choked by a vine, she took her dagger out from her waist and cut the vines to set Davos free. Davos coughed as he rubs his neck that was left a red mark, he didn't say anything other than.

Davos:What happened? Do you think Danny is okay?

Davos was a bit worried when he asked her, but she just slightly shook her head, unsure.

Sparrow:I'm not sure. Let's go quick

Davos agreed and both ran in the direction of the chaos. They stopped when they see Danny sitting over vines in front of endless trees. Davos and Sparrow ran towards him as they called out to him with excitement in their voices. Danny listened as he tilted his head to the side, a drop of sweat dripped down his chin. Davos and Sparrow stopped in their tracks when they see Danny suddenly jump up and summon his fist. Danny stood in a defensive pose with his back against the tree; he glared at them with a fiery gaze past the locks of his blonde dirty hair.

Davos:Danny! It's us! Did you forget you freed us?

Danny's glare had softened and the glow had faded away. Danny coughed as he slid down to the ground with his back still against the tree. Sparrow and Davos ran towards him to worry; Davos was supporting Danny with his hand on his shoulder while Sparrow had two fingers against Danny's wrist. His wrist was pounding loud and rapidly so she breathed out relief through her nose.

Sparrow:You're fine...just tired. What happened?

Danny moves his leg up with his arm resting over his knee, the other leg laid flat against the ground and laid his head back against the tree. He then finally spoke with a hoarse voice.

Danny:I...don't remember. I think I blacked out...I have gotten a weird dream about it too. People were screaming and I saw you two...I wanted to approach you but my arm was stuck then the rest is a blur. I came back seeing Conal save Sssesthanag then I came out of the vines...Do you know what happened? How did I get here?

Davos and Sparrow were hesitant to speak as they gave each other anxious glances, their expressions were still solemn.

Davos:You were moving on your own Danny...even we don't know what happened. You kept moving like a puppet without any acknowledgment


Sparrow:We assume that it was your iron fist getting defensive and controlled your body in the meantime but we never heard of your heart stopped beating for a moment until your fist started glowing


Davos:The chi of Shao-Lou can't bring people to life so this was unheard of

Danny moves his hair behind his ears and looked awkward from this.

Sparrow:Danny, what's wrong? If the iron fist can revive people then this is an important discovery

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