Chapter 99 "Old Man"

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It didn't take long for Danny to open his eyes after listening to Peter and Ava leave. The spot beside him was still warm when he brushed his hand across the space Peter had last laid on. His hand accidentally brushed against the rest of Peter's pillow, feeling a chill roam up his arm when feeling a wet spot. It was two hours ago before they went to bed together that Peter decided to step into the shower to wash off any remaining ash and dust, the coconut scent lingered in Danny's nose along with the yearning thought of holding Peter again.

Deeply wishing to have held him tighter or have "woken up" and handled the tiger himself. If he did something then Peter would still be beside him...but he can't.

Peter begged him to trust him. He promised to come back.

It wouldn't be fair if Danny just gave up on him now...right? Danny can wait a few hours. Ava wouldn't do anything to harm Peter...but the tiger god would...

(No. No. No. Nothing bad would happen. He'll be fine. He promised. I should trust him.)

(I trust him.)

(I trust him.)

(I trust him.)

(What if Tombstone finds him? Or the FBI? Who should I call if that happens?)

(I can't depend on SHIELD. I can't wake the others up. I can't bother them. I can't.)

His hand grips the pillow, the air around him heating up and becoming heavy to breathe. He scanned the room and stared at the closet, where he kept his costume neatly folded in a shoe box.

(Aiyo...can't I just follow him? If I follow him then I'll make sure he won't get hurt by anyone. I'll protect him.)

"I'll be back sweetheart...I promise..."

(Sweetheart...he said sweetheart again...just like how he did at the restaurant before deciding to turn himself in if I haven't stopped him)

His chest throbbed like crazy, it started to burn with his vision becoming fuzzy, further persisting for the body beside him.

Danny knows that Peter doesn't mean it in a bad way but...he could only feel pathetic. How pathetic how he could just lay here and witness Peter begging him to trust him again with false promises...

For just this once, Danny will humor him a bit. He'll wait. If there's a slight chance that Peter would fulfill one of his promises...then maybe...maybe the trust he had for him before will come back again.

If not, then...he will...


The god followed close behind Peter while approaching Ava's family home. The god's eyes and amulet would blind Peter whenever he tries to look back. They have been silent the past hour on the way here which just triggers his spider-sense at any other unexpected sound.

The god is quite territorial last he encountered it...almost lost an eye because of it if Hector didn't gain control over his body again. He was quite addicted to the amulet with no hope of saving...what could a teenager like Peter do to help a grown man who had a family? He was dealing with his problems and couldn't involve himself in Hector's life choices...looking back, in the smallest chance, he could've made a difference.

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