Chapter 50 "Babysitter"

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Peter was downstairs as he drank a cup of orange, he was looking at the colored screen on his small black box tracer receiver. He places the cup of juice on the kitchen counter as he laid his waist against it in boredom with his attention still at the screen

Peter:Who would have thought rich people would be so boring...
*he swiped his finger forward on the screen for the next camera from the spider tracer, he let out a yawn as he sees a female employee being moved up and down from a flat desk letting out moans echoing the room by Winston Frost moving his hips forward*
Ah Jesus!
*he quickly turned the volume down from his black electronic as he turns away from the screen*
(I'm starting to regret this...isn't that guy married and have a family?...Okay just one look to take a picture of it and that's all...)
*he slowly turned back to the screen and he quickly tapped the left corner of the screen to take a picture of Winston doing the deed, then he swiped his finger forward to the next camera where Emma was in class then he turned the box off*
(Wow I'm...a horrible person, if my husband did that to me I would chop his dick off and burn it to ashes, I feel bad for Emma about this...but it's better me than Danny risking their relationship, speaking of Danny he brought me soup from his friend for me to eat, I wonder who his friend?)
*he grabs bowl of soup given from Danny in the fridge, he places the bowl in the microwave and had set the time for the soup to warm up*

He waited as he began to refill his cup with orange juice and had took a sip as he heard someone knocking the door, he felt his head give off his spider sense and he rolled his green sweater sleeves up exposing his silver web shooter and had walked to the door. He looks out the eye hole and he let out a sigh as he slid his hand through his messy hair, he grabs the door knob and turns it to open the door and came face to face with Johnny who had a casual outfit with a light brown jacket that was slid down his shoulders revealing his white tank top and ripped black jeans while holding a bag with a bright greeting smile on his face

Johnny:Hey Pete! How are you?

Peter:What...are you doing here matchstick?

Johnny:I heard that you're sick so I came to take care of you
*he walks inside the house past Peter and walked towards the couch, Peter looked at him in suspension and had closed the door and locked it*

Peter:How did you know I was sick?

Johnny:Mary Jane told me! She texted me the last hour or so to take care of you

Peter:I'm not a child! I can take care of myself, why are people assuming that I need a babysitter

Johnny:Why did you look so defensive when you opened the door?

Peter:My spider sense went off and thought you were an intruder

Johnny:Pfft, you know that I'm your friend! You're spider sense is messed up isn't it?

Peter:Yeah it does that when I'm mainly sick, but it'll be back to normal when I'm not sick anymore

Johnny:Well what do you want to eat? Soup or a burrito?

Peter:I have soup in the microwave, you don't have to cook for me

Johnny:You know how to cook? I'm impressed

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