56. WANTED: Lord Patrick Day, Bank Robber and Serial Killer

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Lord Patrick had suggested Mr Hendrickson would be delighted when hearing they had found so many traumatized victims for him to personally interview. He had been correct. When hearing about it, Hendrickson blew a fuse big enough to nearly cause the office lights to go out.

De-lighting people was always such a fun thing to do.

Days passed. Hendrickson, after several days of constant persuasion, prodding and dismissal threats, finally deigned to pay a visit to the empty town house the women and children had been put up in. From what he had reported back to Lord Patrick, however, it would still be a long time before any usable witness reports would result from this. This wasn't like with DeLacey. Some of the women had been held captive by that monster who called himself a duke for over a decade. Patrick was no expert, but did he think they were in a condition for an interrogation? Hardly.

Even if they had all been perfectly fine, interviewing seventy people would have taken a considerable amount of time. In addition, there was no guarantee any evidence they could provide would prove sufficient. What if none of them had ever seen the faces of the men who snatched them off the street? What if they had never heard any names whispered in the dark?

"For now, all we can do about da women is wait," Amy sighed.

"Wait?" Cora put her hands on her substantial hips. "I didn't come all dis way along with ye ta sit on me arse and 'wait'! We should go after da next name on da list!"

"That would not be a smart idea," Patrick said darkly. "As much as I would like to, if I bring back another mysterious batch of victims from a 'corrupt, abusive workhouse', my dear mother will start to ask questions. I will not let her be dragged into this!"

"And besides," Amy added with a smile that promised pain and vengeance, "I just said that, right now, we can't do anything for dose women. I never said we can't do anything period."

She exchanged a meaningful look with Patrick. It had been a long time since they'd discussed this. It had been a long time in coming. But now, it was finally time.

"I know dat look." Lady Weterston grinned. "Ye two are up ta something. Spill!"

"Aye!" The prodigiously pregnant vicar's wife nodded, eyes narrowed. "I wanna know, too. I may not look like it, but I didn't come to dis place ta sit around all day!"

Lady Wetherston nodded. "Neither did I!"

Titus raised a hand. "What if I did? Can I get a drink and a comfortable armchair?"

Everyone ignored him.

"I want to know as well." Karim's voice was hard. "Now that I have started down this road, I shall not stop till the very end."

A momentary silence. Lord Patrick felt all eyes focus on Amy and him.

"None of us will." His voice was just as hard as Karim's had been. "You want to know what we will do now? Very well. But be warned. If any of you wish to take a step back and forget they were ever involved in this matter, this is your last chance."

Karim scoffed. "We've already fought our way through one secret hideout and two dungeons. What could be worse?"

"This. Mark my warning. Last chance to get out. There won't be another after this."

Titus swallowed. And, for a change, not because he had alcohol in his mouth. "Why?"

"Because," Lord Patrick answered his friend, his face darkening, "It's time for the next step. Up until now, we have worked in the light. Now, it's time to plunge into the shadow."

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