16. Breaking In

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Amy jerked back. In the very same instant, Patrick did the same—unfortunately forgetting that there was a floor behind his head.



"Ehem. Well..." Leaping to her feet, Amy staggered back. "I...I won. I definitely won. Knockout, right? So, we...we should stop now. We don't need to go on anymore, so...so I'll be goin' now. Aye. I'll be goin'."

Then she turned and ran, not even daring to glance once at Patrick, still lying on the floor.

Outside, the night slapped her in the face with a fist of cold air. Deservedly, most likely.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! What were ye thinkin', Amy?

Well, she knew the answer to that all right: nothing! Absolutely nothing! Zero! Zilch! Why the hell did she do that? Kissing him? Kissing him? Without getting paid for it?

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Aye, very stupid. Ye should at least have demanded three shillings and sixpence.

"If ye don't shut up," Amy growled at her inner voice, "I'll knock ye out and stuff ye down a drainpipe!"

She glanced up—only to come face-to-face with two passers-by, who had been standing at the corner of the street, chatting about the rise in cabbage prices. They stared at her, open-mouthed.

"Err...um..." Amy cleared her throat. "So what? I don't like cabbage! Piss off!"

And with that, she marched off down the street.

All too soon, she left behind the cheerful façades and pretty gardens of the West End. Because that's what it was: a façade. It didn't take long before she saw the sinister gothic silhouette of Westminster Abbey rise in the distance, and beyond...the real face of London.

Devil's Acre.

Home sweet home!

She took care not to walk directly from Patrick's sister's house to where she lived. Taking unfamiliar routes and meeting unfamiliar people was never a good idea in the East End. Instead, she took a detour towards the Pussycat Palace. She had to drop in anyway to inform the madam about her current situation.

"'ello?" Sticking her head through the front door, Amy saw Tammy behind the counter. "Is da madam in?"

Tammy grinned. "She is currently, um...unavailable."


"Remember da other day when we graciously gave 'er da opportunity to relive 'er glory days?"

"Ye mean da day we went off and dumped all da work on 'er?"

"Aye, dat one!" She winked. "Seems like da customers 'ave developed a taste for experienced ladies. She's bin in great demand ever since."

"Oh dear."


"'ow...wonderful for 'er."

"Aye, ain't it? So...what brings ye 'ere? Ye so rarely grace us with yer presence deese days, Yer Majesty."

Amy majestically stuck her tongue out at her. "I've bin busy!"

"I bet. What's 'is name?"

"None of yer bloody business! Ye only need ta know dere's a client 'o's payin' me for...special services. I won't be in for a few days, maybe a few weeks."

"My oh my. Dat must be some client."

Amy swallowed. Her head gave a twinge, and only with considerable effort managed to maintain the devil-may-care smile on her face. "Aye. Aye, 'e is."

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