17. The Turbanator

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Heavy footsteps. From the left, approaching quickly. Amy swallowed.

"What now?" Patrick hissed.

"Now," Karim growled, drawing his weapon and fixing his narrowed eyes on the corner, "you shall see why it was a good idea to bring me along."

In a blink, he was at the corner. If Amy hadn't seen him do it before, she would never have believed that such a large man could move so quickly and noiselessly. Karim readied himself, taking up an attack stance—when suddenly, another set of footsteps came from the other direction!

'oly fanny-frigging flapdoodles!

"What do we do now?" Amy hissed.

"This," Karim said—and disappeared.

"What the—!"

The giant bodyguard had vanished around the left corner. Moments later, they heard a thud and a grunt—and one set of footsteps ceased.

"Hello?" The other footsteps stopped as well—then resumed, faster than ever. "Who da hell is dere? Joe? Jack? Is it ye?"

Patrick pulled out a pistol, aiming at the right corner. Amy pulled out a rusty knife, the only weapon she could afford. But before either of them could move, Karim returned, carrying the unconscious body of a ruffian under one arm. In a few quick steps, he marched around the right corner and hurled the half-dead man down the corridor.

"What the hell—!"




Patrick cast a glance at Amy. "Err...how did you meet this gentleman again?"

"It's a long story."

"Tell me! Tell me!" Besides Amy, Flo was hopping up and down, her eyes shining. "I wanna 'ear all! Please?"


Amy blinked at the little girl. Before she could think of an age-appropriate answer, Karim came around the corner, carrying an unconscious thug under each arm.

"Oh!" Rushing forward, Flo flung herself at the only part of Karim she could reach, which was his left calf. "Ye're spiffin', Mr Karim! Just spiffin'!"

"Ehem, well..." Karim raised his victims. "We must move fast. Where shall we stash these three?"

Frowning, Flo glanced up at him. "But dere are just two thugs!"

"Nah, dere are three all right." Suddenly, arms enclosed her from behind and, moments later, Amy plucked her off Karim's leg.


"I'll take care of this one. Ye'll tie up da other two and stash dem in dere." She jerked her thumb at a nearby broom cupboard.

Nodding, Karim marched off towards the narrow door. Amy moved off in the opposite direction.

"Oy! Ye can't just—"

"Ye!" Giving the little girl a good shake, Amy tucked her under her arm and sped up. "Be quiet, or I'll stuff ye into da broom cupboard, too!"

Flo quickly closed her mouth. Amy marched on, and quickly reached the right corner. Patrick was at her side, his firearm still out.

Amy raised an eyebrow. "Do I get one of dose?"

Patrick looked shocked, then stern. "You are a lady! Of course not!"

"Den would ye like ta take care of protecting 'er?" She raised Flo into the air like a wet cat.

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