41. Secrets in the Forbidden Room

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Thud, thud, thud, thud...

The rhythmic footsteps of the guards fell heavily upon the stone floor of the castle corridor, echoing off the cold, bare walls. Slowly and carefully, something appeared from beyond a corner. First a few strands of hair. Then a watchful eye. Then...a baby's diaper.


"Shh! Be quiet!"


Silencing the baby with a candy, Amy leaned forward a little farther, peering after the guards. The patrols were everywhere, the watch was tight. She hadn't been able to get farther than a dozen or so steps before she had to hide in an alcove.

This was already the third patrol that had passed by. Amy had kept her ears pricked the entire time for any hint regarding the girls' whereabouts—but so far, she hadn't heard a single whisper. The only thing the guards uttered were the commands shouted by their commanders. There wasn't even the tiniest of hints, dammit!

So...what to do?

In order to find out more about the captives' whereabouts, she would have to get info from the patrolling men. But where and how could she do that?

Hmm...it would have ta be somewhere dey'd never expect a spy, somewhere dey'd relax and let deir guard down...

Suddenly, inspiration struck!

That's it!

A wicked smile spreading across her face, Amy whirled around and marched down the corridor without another second of hesitation!

Treading lightly as a feather, she followed the patrol, always certain to stay at a safe distance. The farther she got, the dingier and darker the surroundings became. This was a far cry from the luxurious and elegant surroundings of the ballroom. Small wonder. The place they were heading to was a place always hidden in the dark, that no one would dare to discuss out in the open.

Amy just had to be patient. Soon, it would be time. Soon...

"Permission to speak, Captain?"

Just then, one of the soldiers raised his chin.

Was it time? Would her patience be rewarded?

"Granted!" the captain growled.

"I have to go...to that place. You know why."

"Ah." The captain nodded grimly. "Go. Take care of matters."

"Yes, Sir!"

The man turned down a side-corridor, Amy stepped forward to follow—which was when a hand grabbed her from behind!

Whirling, she brought up a knee, ready to smash the child-snatching bastard's bollocks in—and came face to face with Lord Patrick Day.


"Oh indeed. What, pray, do you think you are doing?" he hissed.

"Err...kickin' ye in da balls?"

"That," Lord Patrick Day stated, his voice low, his eyes glittering frostily, "is painfully obvious. What I was referring to was what you are doing in this place! Have you lost your mind?"

Amy shrugged. "Ye win some, ye lose some."

"Evidently." His eyes narrowed as he jabbed a finger at the contents of Amy's eyes. "What in the name of St George possessed you to bring them with them?"

In answer she simply cocked her head and blinked up at him with puppy-eyes, like a harmless little damsel suddenly cornered by a brute. "Oh m-my, Sir guard, I didn't know I wasn't supposed ta be 'ere. I...I was just lookin' for a place ta change da diapers on Lady McDingleton's children. 'er Ladyship is ever so anxious for 'er children. Could ye point me da way to da washroom? I wouldn't wanna try changing deir diapers on da duke's whiskey cabinet, would ye?"

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