28. The Subterranean Suite

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In the shadows of the nocturnal corridor, the hulking figure of a turban-wearing man closed the door behind him and slowly started moving forward.

"Be ready!" the leader of the ambush team hissed. Soon it would be time. Very soon.

One step. Two steps. Three...

The big man stopped.

What the...!

Standing there in the middle of the hallway, the dratted turban-wearer gazed out of the window and contemplatively twisted a lock of beard around his finger.

"What da 'ell is dat idiot doin'?"


The huge man stood there for a moment longer—then suddenly moved.

"No! Now, he's going to—"

—turn around and go back into his room?

The door closed with a click.

"What the bloody 'ell was dat about?!"

"Maybe...maybe 'e was checking if da coast was clear?"

"By twirlin' 'is bloody beard?!"

"Ehem, well..."

More time passed by. An owl flew past the window, peeking inside on the lookout for more mice.

"Um, boss? Are ye sure yer info was correct?"

"Shut up and wait! They'll come! They will come!"

And they did indeed come. A few minutes later, the door opened once more, and this time, not just one figure stepped out, but three.


"They brought da maid along?"


The leader watched as the three figures snuck through the doorway. With silent footsteps, they slowly moved towards the hidden men lying in ambush, until...

...until they turned around and went back into the room!

What da bloody stinking 'ell?

The leader felt a muscle in his neck twitch.

With another click, the door once again closed behind them. This click was shortly followed by the clinking of glasses, the popping of a cork and...was that laughter?

"Boss...are dey drinkin' and 'aving fun in dere?"

"They wouldn't dare!" the leader hissed. "They are planning a plot against our master! No one would dare take this time to—"

"No alcohol for me, please," a rumbling voice from beyond the door interrupted him. "Just some water."

For a moment, silence reigned.

"Err...boss? Did you hear—"

"Not a word! Not. A. Word!"

"Aye, boss!"

The leader sat where he was and stewed as he listened to the chatter from within the room. Finally, the noise subsided, and...

Now! The leader smiled. Now, the time has finally come!

He waited with bated breath as once more, the three shadowy figures emerged from the room. Soon. Soon, they would be within his grasp, and...

And they turned around again.

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