04. Reunion

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The door swung open. Lord Patrick swallowed. In the doorway stood a very familiar, tiny figure. She was around five feet two, with frizzy hair and a usually charming smile. But now wasn't usual. Now, there was a loaded weapon at Lord Patrick's back and a living, breathing one right in front of him. He did his best to conjure a smile onto his face.

"Hello, Angeline!"

"Well, hello there, brother dear." His sister's gaze swept over him—then flicked to Amy, one eyebrow raised. "That one is a lot bigger than the last one you brought. It's not my birthday again already, is it? My only guestroom is already full."

"Ha, ha. Very funny. This young lady is a...concerned friend of your houseguest."

"Ah." Instant understanding flashed in Angeline's eyes. They started to dance, to a rhythm known only in the hell reserved for tortured brothers. "Patrick, you've gotten yourself into quite a pickle this time, haven't you?"

"Quite!" he squeezed out between clenched teeth, resolving that he would give her a book entitled "How to Grow Tall for Dummies" for her next birthday. Surely there was such a thing. And, if there weren't, he could always write it! "May we come in?"

"Oh yes, of course. By all means." Stepping aside, Angeline made a curtsy to his kidnapper, the little vixen, and gestured for them to enter. "Please forgive if my house looks a little bit disorderly at the moment. These are special circumstances, and—oh, how lovely!"

Lord Patrick blinked. What?

He turned his head as far as it would go to keep his eyes on his sister as she dashed past him, trying to see what she was staring at, and...


No, it couldn't be, could it? She couldn't possibly be talking about...!

"What, dis old thing?" Amy the kidnapper slightly lifted the weapon poking into his back and tapped it with her free hand. It made a distinctly metallic sound.

"Don't call it that!" Angeline protested. "It looks simply enchanting! Lovely! Just what I've been looking for!"

His Lordship made a choked noise at the back of his throat.

"Really?" The lady kidnapper enquired.

"Definitely! It would look great on my nightstand."

The choked noise deteriorated into a death rattle. "I beg your pardon?" he demanded. "It would look good where?

"And the handle looks quite easy to grip, too," Angeline extolled "Just right for when I need to take one with me at night!"

"Take one with you at ni—!" Lord Patrick had always considered himself a liberal and considerate brother, but this... He tried to clear his throat. "Sister, where exactly have you been spending your nights?"

The two women ignored him.

"Aye, it's quite nice, ain't it?" admitted his captor. "Would ye like to 'old it?"

"May I?"

"Of course! I'm sure yer brother wouldn't mind."

"Oh...wonderful! Wonderful! It's just what I've been looking for! It's exactly right for when I get bored at night and can't sleep!"

Lord Patrick gave up all attempts to keep his jaw from dropping. He decided it was time to write to his mother and father. Perhaps it hadn't been such a good idea to leave Angeline alone in the smaller family townhouse with just the servants to look after her.

"Do you know where I can buy one like this?" his little sister enquired, eagerly.

"Sorry, no. But ye can 'ave this one if ye like. I'm done with it anyway."

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